The Operation

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**Authors Note**

<Speakers or radio>

"Speaking (in English)"
"Speaking (Not in English)"
["Translation (in English)"]



{Azur Lane Base}

{Conference room}

{2:00 am}

Friedrich der Grosse: "Please explain to me why we are having this meeting at such an hour, my child. This is quite unhealthy, so please make it a good reason or I will be forced to put you to bed."

Kate was sitting at a computer that had camera feeds on standby, waiting for Red to start the Op. The feeds were also being shown on the large projector for everyone to see.

The conference room was filled with tired and yawning counsel members, all wanting to know why they were woken up so early.

Kate: "I'm not a little kid, Friedrich, so I don't need to be tucked in. Anyway, we're going to watch the shipyard infiltration. Red and his team are going to be starting soon and we'll be watching through live camera feeds."

As she said this, there was a knock on the door to the conference room. Belfast went and opened it, revealing Fuze, Tachanka, and Kapkan. They came in and sat down on some office chairs near the computer, and pulled out their phones.

Kate: "These three will be operating drones that have their own cameras, while Red and Severstal will be wearing body cams."

Fuze: "Phones are connected, now waiting on the go ahead from the ground crew."


{Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean}

The water is calm and silent outside of the shipyard. The only disturbance is the noise of activity coming from the facility. From the waters edge, two dark figures poke the top halves of their heads above the water's surface, surveying the large structure before them. They slowly swim up to the large stone dock. They climb up and make their way to one of the large cranes closest to the building. Once they are at the base of it they take off their scuba gear and hide it, climbing up the crane afterwards. The shorter one then taps his comrade and points to his chest.

???: "Alright, cameras on."

The two then turn on the body cams on their vests. They reach the top of the crane and situate themselves near the end, to get a better view behind the walls surrounding the facility.

Typhoon-0 (Y/N): <"This is Typhoon-0, we have arrived at site location. Please confirm that the feed is coming through.">

He then turns back to look at his companion, seeing that he has already begun surveying the area with his sniper.

Typhoon-2 (Maxim): <"This is Typhoon-2, we read you loud and clear. Feeds are up and running, and we're ready to go when you are.">

Typhoon-3 (Shuhrat): <"And you better go now, the audience is practically falling asleep.">

Kate: <"This is control, how exactly do you plan on getting over that huge wall? The gate looks closed and there are a lot of guards.">

Typhoon-4 (Timur): "She's right, there are a lot of them. Too many of them in fact."

Y/N went over to Timur and looked down at the facility, and he was right. There were a lot of people, and they were well equipped with military grade weapons. Those were definitely not pirates. He looked at his sniper friend in confusion, who returned the gesture.

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