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16 Years Later
(Age 17)

Percy's POV

I was suddenly jumped on by a pure white little wolf pup, then another one but black, then a grey one, then a silver one and they just kept coming that it wasn't even funny. I was with my friends playing and having so much fun

"Ok ok, off now" i said, they all groaned but reluctantly got off

'Can we have a race, plea-' the white pup was cut off when the little black wolf jumped on it, both of them rolled around trying to pin the other down to be victorious, soon enough the white one had won.

" ok, come on, nap time, hurry up, you know puppy eyes don't work on me, hmm what if I sing you a song?" All the pups stopped and looked at me, their faces glowing with a smile

'YES' They all said at the same time which kind of freaked me out, they all laid around me while waiting

"Say some thing I'm giving up on you, I'll be the one of You want me to, any where I would have followed you, say something i'm giving up on you

And I, am feeling so small, it was over my head, I know nothing at all, and I, will stumble and fall, I'm just starting to love, just starting to crawl

Say something i'm giving up on you, I'll be the one of you want me to, anywhere I would have followed you
Say something i'm giv-" i was cut off when I heard with my amazing hearing skills heard a stick break and some curses, all the wolves ears were perked up and we're looking around frantically trying to find the source of the noise.

"WHO IS THERE?!" I shouted, it was only me and the little wolves, i would do anything to protect them, suddenly 4 figures stepped out from behind the trees.

One had short military cut black hair and brown eyes, had huge muscles but also a chubby baby face which I would burst out laughing if I had known these people, which I didn't know them so I did not laugh, and he also had a purple t shirt with black pants

Next to him was a girl with long curled cinnamon coloured frizzy hair with hazel eyes that stared at me curiously and she had brown chocolate coloured skin above that, she just had a purple shirt and grey shorts.

Next to her was an elf like figure like a Latino Santa's elf, with chocolate brown curled hair, and brown tanned skin, with darkish lightish brown eyes, and also had what looked like flames in them, pretty cool. He had a brownish yellow kind of buttoned up shirt with straps on it connect to the brown pants, it looked as if the shirt used to be a white shirt.

And the last next to the elf like dude had blonde short cut hair with electrifying sky blue eyes, and was muscular but not as muscular as the black haired one. Milky tanned skin gleaming in the sun, He had a purple shirt that hugged his muscular frame and he also had some jeans on.

I was scared, we wouldn't be able to fight them off, they were just pups and I was nothing special, we had to use a distraction

"WHO ARE YOU!!!??" I screamed at them angrily, they don't just come onto the land my mother owns without permission

"My name is Jason, these are my friends leo, Hazel and frank, nico is no where to be found so yeh, who are you?" The blonde one asked me seriously

"Why should I tell you!" I asked adding a wolf glare at them

"Cause we were introduced ourselves" frank said sternly

"Percy Jackson now PISS OFF"

"Sorry, uh percy, we can't do that, we were given a quest to find a boy and the clues led us here to you and you are a boy, aren't you? Yes ok now come with us" hazel said glaring at me for treating them like shit, well, I am respecting but they can't come along without permission from my mother and now they want to kidnap me, HAHA not gonna happen

"Ha, like I'm going with you guys, let's see if the little ones want a work out" the little wolves nodded eagerly "well? Whatcha waiting for? ATTACK" I screamed, every person had about 5 little crazy wolves attacking them, I started running backwards so I could go get help but was keeping an eye on them to see if they could protect themself.

Suddenly I came into impact with something warm but hard, making me fall forward, I would have fallen on my face if not hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back up, I tried to get free but they had me in a tight grip. I gave in and looked up only to see all the little wolves on the ground knocked out, I started fighting now trying to get to the little ones, only until I heard a dark little chuckled and felt someone's hot breath on my ear making me shiver

"Stops moving, we can make this the easy way or the hard way, you pick" he said slowly, i smirked because he was so close and just lifting my foot would hit a ... Let's just say a special place for a man. So when I did, it hit him in the jewels and he groaned in pain, his grip lessened and I jumped forward and turned to face him. My eyes widened, he looked hot, he was about the same height as me and had bulging muscles, he had long black hair covering his face, so long you could tie it up in a pony tail, olive tan colored skin, and he had black obsidian eyes that just stared into my soul. This must be that nico dude

Nico's POV

Gosh that FUCKEN HURT, he has a good kick, I soon recovered and was furious, I glared up at him but as soon as I saw him, my knees turned into jelly and felt like they were going to give out, my eyes were opened up wide taking in every detail of this man

'He was gorgeous' was definitely an understatement, God like, most hottest guy ever? Unbelievably attractively hot? Out of this world? YES, he had untamed raven black hair that stuck up everywhere that looked like he had just woken up but said 'i'm crazy and messy but still sexy!' And that was true, his skin was this milky chocolate tan that glowed in the sun, his biceps were perfect size, and since his shirt stuck to his body, I could faintly see his 6 pack, his body was lean but muscular.

Then when I moved my way to his eyes, I felt like I could die right then, his eyes, I could look into them forever and never get bored or tired of them, they were big and innocent, Light Emerald Green mixed with Sky Blue, I felt myself staring but I didn't care, and his lips? Full and red, they seemed so soft and screamed at everyone saying 'KISS ME' and I would gladly do tha- WHAT THE HELL NICO JUST STOP, YOU HAVE WILL!!! I mentally screamed at myself , "oh come on, he is cute, young, probably single, THINKING LIKE THAT!"

"what the hell are you talking about?!" He asked me, oh shit, I was talking out loud!!! I hate it when that happens

"UHH don't worry about it, oh um someone is behind you" I said while smirking, it is either he turns around and sees Jason sneaking up on him and I ran behind him and catch him again but close my legs yep, or he doesn't believe me and Jason catches him.

"Ha, that doesn't work on me" he says smirking, suddenly he gives a yelp as arms wrap around his waist and lift him up and Jason starts flying off the ground about 150-200 ft

"LET ME DOWN NOW!!!" He screams, Jason and I just laugh, he is screaming and yelling, acting like a girl which I wouldn't mind taming and ... Nope not gonna finish that sentence, the screams die down and the boy looks exhausted, he looks sleepy and his eyes slowly shut.

Jason's POV

Gosh he is cute when he sleeps, his skin was glowing in the sun and he looked perfect, his hair was in his face and I felt like bending my head down and give him a kiss. I slowly flew down, smirking while hazel, frank and leo came out, they were spread out keeping an eye out for anything dangerous. They slowly saw me holding him in bridal style and smiled, ok I am Jason grace, son of Jupiter and Gay, yes and this person in my arms had already gotten my attention!

We started to walk away, then we heard wolf howls from a distance and instantly we were running, we ran as fast as We could, even with a boy in my arms which he was pretty light for someone so big and muscular, not the fat big, like tall and all this muscle.

Time Skip

Jason's POV still

When we arrived at camp, I was still holding sleeping beauty in my arms, Chiron galloped up to us and saw me holding the boy, every camper came crowding us. We talked about what happened and chiron looked like he was going to burst out laughing, the stolls were snickering at nico while his face went red in anger and embarrassment

"WHY YOU STOLLS" nico chased the screaming stolls away, next we knew, nico is on the ground, dirt on his face and grunting in pain.

"CANT" Travis said

"CATCH" Conner said

"US" the stolls shouted in Union and ran off to their cabin

Everyone was talking about the boy, looks like we know what is going to be the gossip of the week, boys were talking about who they think his godly parent is, and the girls... Well they were talking about how cute he is and Drew was pretty much saying how he is going to be hers, Not unless I get to him first. Everyone stopped when they heard a low grunt of pain coming from the beauty in my arms, everyone stared at him while I gently placed him on his feet.

When he opened his eyes, everyone was staring at them not able to say one single thing, his eyes were the most attractive thing about him. He stared at everyone in confusion then when he laid eyes on me, his confused eyes turned into anger.
He jumped at me and pinned me to the ground, staring at me angrily.

"You asshole, why did you bring me here! My mom will be worried sick you, you UGH" he jumped off of me and tried to make a run for it, the key word ;Tried. He tripped over a large stick that I don't even know how it got their, he landed face first with a sickening crack.
In seconds, the Apollo children were at his side laying him on his back, blood was running down his face and tears started forming in his beautiful eyes, I felt like hugging him so close because it hurt me to see him cry, others held worried gazes looking at percy, some girls held their hands on their mouths while having wide eyes. It was so quiet, you could hear his little whimpers of pain, it was seriously heart breaking.

I was glaring at the stick for making him fall over, damn stupid stick, I stood up, picked up the stick and threw it as hard as I could, which made it land somewhere In the woods, i shall deal with it later.

Will solace was giving him some ambrosia and gently rubbing his hair, just looking percy's face while percy's face was scrunched up it pain, I got so jealous I wanted to lunge at him, he just stared and stared at percy, Percy just kept his eyes closed. I wanted nico to come this instant and get will away from what was mine, or I would lose it and tackle him, but I knew better than to do that. I will make this percy mine.

Percy Jacksons POV

Gosh, my nose hurt but felt like it was healing as I ate this square looking thing, whatever it was, it was nice and making me feel better, and soon enough the bleeding stopped and I was feeling no more pain. I opened my eyes, just to see clear blue eyes staring straight back at me, I felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze and started to squirm a little, then he shook his head and stood up. He held his hand out for me and I took it.

"Hello, my names Chiron" a man said, half human and half .... Pony?

"Ok pony man, my names percy and WHERE AM I!" I asked anxiously, wanting to get as far as I could from here

" I Am half HORSE thank you, And you are at Camp halfBlood, there had been a prophecy which was suppose to lead us to someone, someone who will help defeat kronos as Nico, Our prophecy child had defeated him, but he had come back so soon and no one knows how, we lost a lot of lives so we asked our oracle rachael if there was anyone that could help us and this is what we got in return.

"I am half HORSE thank you and you are at camp halfblood, their had been a prophecy which had led us to someone who will help us, it lead us to you, the prophecy was

'5 Halfbloods Shall Go West,

A boy they find when done this quest,

A boy that helps in the approaching war,

Or kills and betrays Shall Olympus Fall,

His choice is all that can save your life,

You all shall make a sacrifice'

so that was the prophecy, the five demigods had been Jason grace, Hazel levesque, Frank zhang, Lo vadlez and Nico Di Angelo, and they find a boy when done the quest, and we ask if you shall help us or betray us, it is up to you to save the world, what do you say?" the pony man asks

"yes, i shall as long as i can leave afterwards" i asked, he nodded

"and i get a pony back ride" i added, he groaned while i just smirked, this was going to be a fun vacation.

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