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8 years later

"Raven? Where are you? I know your in here." The storm trooper called to the little 8 year old whom he lost while she ran through the halls. He heard the giggles of a little girl in the air vents.

"How did you get in there?" he called to her. The little girl just laughed and crawled through the air shafts.

" I have Jaba Juice." the trooper called trying to tempt her and it worked.

Thud! The trooper spun around and saw the troublesome little girl standing behind him. "wheres my juice?" she asked.  The trooper laughed. "come on. Your father wants you. " He picked the child up and carried her to the control room.

¨Dad!"The child playfully yelled as the doors opened. Darth Vader turned around to see his daughter running towards him. He lifted her in the air using the force and the small girl giggled endlessly.

¨are you ready to try to use the force raven?¨ he asked his child whom he loved. The only thing he had left of his Padme.

¨ÿep. Ive been practicing. Watch!" the young girl said and refocused her attention on the wad of paper sitting on the desk. Darth Vader looked at his daughter with her eyes closed shut and breath exhale through her nose. Her hand was struck out just like her father had shown her. Slowly but surely the ball of paper started to rise in the air higher and higher.

"Good Raven. Now can you open the paper?"Her father asked.

The small girl concentrated harder and began to open the wadded piece of paper. She was halfway there when the paper fell to the floor.

"Ugh. why cant i do it?" She asked.

"Its okay Raven," He said and picked her up.

"Your doing really well. Youll be just as powerful as me when you grow up."Vader said.

"No I won't. I'll be even more powerful." The child snickered.

15 years later

"Please, I beg you. Let me go. Ill do whatever you want Darth Ren." The woman begged Raven or Darth Ren, the name her father gave her.  Raven, draped in her dark robe turned and faced the exit.

"Where is the jedi?" Raven asked in a demanding tone. 

"I dont know what Jedi your talking about. I havent seen a Jedi in years." The woman defending.

"Troopers have confirmed that a Jedi has left this residence 3 times."Raven responded.

"They are lying! I have no knowledge of a Jedi."

Raven focused her mind on the woman's throat.  She squeezed the woman's throat with the force until the woman was struggling to breathe.

The Hum of a light saber sounded from behind Raven. She released the woman and turned around to face the Jedi.

"Master Kenosho. Have you said your goodbyes?" Raven asked the old jedi master who was standing guard in front of the woman.

"No and i dont plan to." he responded and twirled the saber into a fighting position. Raven pulled out her purple light saber that matched the jedis and prepared her self for the battle. "Aww twinsies." She laughed.

Raven charged first and striked down on the jedi by was blocked by his saber. The constant sound of Saber hitting the other Saber.

The jedi's Saber made a hole in Ravens cloak.

"Really? I just got this one." she complained and charged at the Jedi again. She used the force to trip the jedi and when he fell she pulled his lighsbaer to her hand.

"I think this means i win." She joked with the defensive less Jedi on the ground.

"The Rebellion will never die." He said.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But you will." She said and ended the Jedis misery. 


"Wheres Master Kenosho?" Darth Vader asked Raven as she entered the control room.

Raven took off her cloak and demanded a new one from a trooper. "Dead. Just like you wanted." she replied and handed him the lightsaber.

"you keep it. Do the double sided Saber you've always wanted." He said and handed it back to her. 

"Really? Thanks Father. Have any more Jedi sightings?" She asked curiously.

"No. Raven I need you to teach this child the ways of the sith." He asked his daughter.

"Why me?" Raven asked her father because she did not want this task.

"Because you know how it feels to grow from a young age in the sith ways." He breathed.

"Yes father." Darth Vader's daughter sadly agreed.
"You'll start tomorrow. Now we have to deal with krennics mess on scarif." Darth Vader informed his daughter.
The star destroyer came out of hyperspace into a galaxy with ships firing back and forth over the planet scarif.
Moments before they had arrived, the empire had used the Death Star on scarif and the planets was disintegrating.
"Sir, we have been informed that the signal went through. The rebels now have the plans." A general told Darth Vader, "we just don't know what ship." He finished.
Raven focused on her surroundings and scanned the rebel ships.
"That one father." She said and pointed to the white ship gliding across the stars.
"Tractor beam." Vader breathed.
"Yes sir." The general said and went to inform his men.
Soon the tractor beam on the star destroyer activated and was pulling the ship in.
"Are we boarding?" Raven asked curiously.
"Yes." She got a deep response.
Raven flipped her hood over her head.
The hissing sound from the doors opening screamed in Ravens ear. There was screaming and shuffling beyond the door.
"Get the disc." Vader said to his daughter and Raven nodded in agreement.
Raven boarded the ship with her father behind her. The shuffling went quiet and the room was dark.
Hmmmmm Ravens purple light lit the room to reveal the 2 Sith Lords standing in the dark.
The screams began again. Raven began barreling through the men and ending those who came in the way of that disc. Raven has always sought her fathers approval, she could feel how important this disc was to her father. If she succeeded, she would feel complete. Or at least complete for a while.
The lightsabers hum continued as it slashed through body after body.
Darth Vader following his daughter killing any stragglers the were left in her trail.
The door was jammed and they had no escape. The disc was in the hand of the man trying to open the door.
Another man on the other side of the door was struggling to open the door also.
As Raven was getting closer the man gave up hope.
"Here. Take the disc. Run!" The trapped man yelled as Raven ended his misery.

The free man with the disc ran to the escape pod an jumped in right before Raven opened the door and approached the pod. The door closed and the pod ejected while Raven did not have the disc.

"I sense frustration in you my daughter." Vader breathed as he approached his daughter from behind who was watching the escape pod leave.

Raven retracted her lightsaber, "I'm sorry father. I've failed you." She said disappointingly.
"You haven't failed me." He said and left his daughter wondering if that means that he's not mad about the disc. He hid his emotions well, Raven could not feel it herself.

Vaders Daughter (Raven)Where stories live. Discover now