Love Is A Bowl of Lor Mee - [Saori Hidaka x Y/N]

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Author's note: Minor spoilers for "Non-S.T.O.P. The Best" are included in this story. It is recommended to view that event's story for context.

Arrival Area, Changi International Airport

Republic of Singapore

"Japan Airlines Flight 1127 has arrived from Haneda International Airport. All passengers of JAL1127, please proceed to Carousel 8 to claim your baggage."

The public announcement system blared as I headed inside the arrival area.

As I slung my arms on the rail, I immediately started reminiscing about the moments that led to the purpose of my expedition today.

1 year ago

Seiho University, Tokyo, Japan

"Welcome to Seiho University!!" A student guide beckoned.

It was the third day since I arrived in Tokyo as part of a three month exchange student program between my university in Singapore and Seiho University.

As I followed the other students as the guide showed the various facilities in Seiho University, I couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the beautiful scenery Seiho offered. It reminded me of the campus back home, with its modern buildings and vibrant student life.

I was so enthralled that I didn't notice that I was way behind... and someone was running towards me.

The next second, I was on the floor, trying to regain my senses.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry!!! I was running late for class!!" A girl's voice frantically asked, concerned for my well being. I immediately turned to the source of the voice.

I was instantly mesmerized by what I saw.

My mysterious addresser was a purple-haired girl with turquoise eyes and a remarkable figure. She was on the verge of tears.

Wait... what is this spark I'm feeling.... Dammit, self!! Snap back to reality!!

Quickly shaking my head, I immediately get back to my senses.

"Wait!!.... Don't cry!!!" I'm absolutely fine!!" I quickly waved my hands. "Not a single wound!!"

"I'm glad," the purple haired girl answered while wiping her tears, "From the looks of it, you don't seem to be from around here. I thought I would have landed myself into more trouble."

"I heard something about classes. Maybe you need to go catch up before your professor notices." I calmly replied.

"Ugh!!" The purple-haired girl got up and immediately rushed towards one of the hallways.

She ran really fast.....

"Y/N!!! You alright?" I hear a fellow exchange student call out. "We noticed you fell behind.", as he helped me up.

"I'm okay lah," I reply as I get up, brushing some of the dust off my sleeves. "Bumped into a student. Should've paid more attention lor."

"You mean that girl who just sped through?"

"Yeah. Running late for class. I'd better catch up to the others." I immediately got up and tried to catch up, following the fellow student.

That purple-haired girl looked interesting....

After what seemed like the whole morning of lectures and programs for exchange students, the time to freely explore the campus was soon granted. I decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch when someone tapped me from behind.

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