Summer Holiday [Kyoko Yamate x Male Reader]

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At the [L/N] Residence

"I'm home!" [Y/N] shouted as he entered his home. It was already 9 o'clock in the evening when he got home as he hung out with his bandmates on their last day of school before the summer vacation started.

As he walks through the living room, he sees his parents working on their laptops and sorting out some papers. His parents are owners of a business firm that markets and trades with international clients.

"Oh, [Y/N], you are finally home." [Y/N]'s mother said as she keeps on working on what she is currently doing.

"Ah yeah, I sent you a message that I will be home late." [Y/N] replied.

"I have read it but I forgot to reply to you."

"I already know why, so, what's with all this work? Another big client?"

"Yes." [Y/N]'s father answered. "Your mother and I need to rush this paperwork as we will have a meeting with the clients in Osaka on Monday."

"I see..." [Y/N] replied as he kept on staring at what his parents were currently doing. However, after a few seconds, something crossed his mind. "W-wait a minute! If you are in Osaka on Monday, then you won't be able to go on your planned vacation?!" [Y/N] exclaimed.

"As much as we wanted to go, well, we have to prioritize this meeting as we can't miss out on this huge deal. We can still take a vacation after the deal is sealed." [Y/N]'s father said.

"I see. Well, at least you can still get the plane tickets refunded but the hotel reservation and tour package are non-refundable, right?" [Y/N] asked.

"Yes, that is why we are waiting for you." [Y/N]'s mother answered.

"Waiting for me? Why?"

"Do you have any band activities during your summer vacation?" [Y/N]'s mother asked.

"Uhm, no. As usual, during summer they don't want to have any practice or performances because of the heat."

"Great! Well, your father and I already knew about that, so you and Kyoko-chan will be going instead of us!" [Y/N]'s mother exclaimed as she put her hands together after a clap.

"Eh? EEEHHHHH??!! Me and Kyoko will be going to the Philippines?!" [Y/N]'s eyes widened as he couldn't believe what his mother had just said.

"You heard that right. Well, we invited Kyoko-chan's parents first if they want to go but they will be attending a musical competition in Hokkaido. Then they just suggested that why don't you and Kyoko-chan just go. And then we all agreed." [Y/N]'s father explained.


"Don't worry, we already handled the paperwork to put your names on the hotel reservation and tour package. We also refunded our plane tickets and bought new plane tickets for you and Kyoko-chan. All you two need to do is to prepare your things and enjoy your holiday!" [Y/N]'s father smiled as he gave his son a thumbs up.

[Y/N] just stood still and can't believe what is currently happening. He was silent while staring across the room until his mother told him that the bath is ready and he should take one right away.

He goes up to his room. He then placed his guitar bag and school bag in the corner and lay on his bed. He pulls out his phone where he notices that he has a text message from Kyoko.

Kyoko: Hey, [Y/N]! my parents just told me that I will be going on a vacation with you! I am so excited!

[Y/N] smiled as he read the text. "Here I am, still can't process what just happened but Kyoko is very excited." [Y/N] then gets up from his bed and proceeds to his cabinet to grab a change of clothes. He then went to the bathroom, quickly washed his body, and hops on the tub with his phone in his hand.

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