Holi smiles and kisses the top of his head. He is a good boy. So Holi goes back to the kitchen with both Mac and Bell in tow, Bell obviously not prepared to miss out on the hot chocolate. Austin is still not in the kitchen but she can see his phone on the counter and she can see he has some stuff out to prep for breakfast. "There he is," Mac says pointing out to the pool area.

Holi can see his back is to them but the way his arms are flicking about he is mad. She can see he is talking to Trevor and so she does not blame him for being mad. Whatever Trevor is saying to him has really pissed Austin off. Holi knows she should just busy herself with breakfast. What Austin and Trevor are talking about has nothing to do with her.

But she does not like seeing Austin so pissed off, so she opens the sliding door and steps out. She can hear Austin's phone ring as she closes the sliding door behind her. Today feels chaotic. She keeps her eyes trained onto Austin's tense back and takes a few steps closer, then stops. Austin's words have her frozen. She wants to be sick and makes her feel like the world is spinning.

"How long Trevor? How long do I have to keep up this fucking charade? She makes my skin crawl man. I can not keep this up for much longer!"

"Come on Austin, just for a month or two. It's good for business."

"It's bullshit, Trevor. I have a girlfriend and I don't want that horrible woman to ruin my relationship."

Holi can feel her tears threatening to spill. Serve's her right for bedding another woman's man. She had known Austin had a girlfriend and she was stupid to think anything good would come from last night. She had been dumb, thinking something magical had happened between them. When all that really happened was that Austin had cheated on his girlfriend with her.

He had used her.


Mac's angry voice has Holi spinning around to face him and she can hear Austin swear under his breath behind her now. But Mac has Holi's full attention. He is storming towards her with wet cheeks and a scowl. He is holding Austin's phone in his hand and when he gets to Holi he holds out the phone to her and turns his scowl onto Austin. Holi is confused but takes the phone and holds it to her ear.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hello, I am phoning from Child services. I was hoping to speak to Austin Post in regards to the inquiry he lodged last week about two neglected street kids...Bell and Mac. Hello? Are you still there?"

Holi cuts the call and slowly turns to Austin. His eyes are darting between Mac and Holi, he looks guilty. Holi wants to punch him. Smack him clean on the nose. He is a dick. She had been right about him the first time. He is no different from any other rich asshole. No. He is worse and she hates him.

"Get your stuff Mac, we are leaving," Holi says while still staring at Austin. Her blood boils when his guilty face turns to confusion, "what? No. Stop, Mac. No one is going anywhere," he says. Who does he think he is? Holi lifts her arm and smashes his phone at his feet, "you do not own us," she says then nudges Mac lightly, "go pack...now!" Mac starts to walk off to the house then stops and looks back at Austin, "I will always choose my sister...my mother. I don't know what you think you were doing. But I hate you now,"  Mac says then storms off.

Bell comes running out the sliding door Mac had left open and Holi can see she is heading at full speed straight for Austin. Holi can't let that happen so she reaches out and grabs her. Holi can see the pain in Austin's face from her stopping Bell. Bell starts wriggling and screaming out for Austin. This is going to be bad.

Holi turns and starts walking back into the house, the whole time Bell does not stop and she can feel Austin is hot on her heels. She ignores him and makes her way to the room she knows Mac is busy packing in.

A thousand bad times - Post Malone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora