I See You

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1 year later

Tony's pov.

I drove quickly I was so excited I finally get to see percy
My boy

I drove to Long Island and parked In front of the hill the team parked behind me

I saw kids run down a hill and meet there parents when we got out of the car
A lot of people noticed us one women walked over to us "Mister stark? are you lost? this is a camp for special kids" she stated the team nodded

"I know I'm here for..... my son" I said simply and turned back to the hill
I felt Clint pat my back

"Calm down man it's not like percy forgot us" he joked and Natasha elbowed him

I saw a flash of blue on top of the hill

Percy came running down the hill he had on ripped jeans and a blue shirt there was a dagger strapped around his waist and a blond girl was running next to him

I laughed and ran to him "percy buddy!" I yelled he ran up and hugged me

I hugged him back and stepped away I grabbed his shoulders
He was tanner and taller
Leaner and more muscular for a kid

He smiled "tony! I've missed you guys!" he yelled Bruce and Clint ran over and Clint picked him up
"Perce! my man" percy laughed and when he was set down he tackle Bruce in a hug

Then surprisingly Natasha grabbed him in a bear hug and smiled down at him

"Hey buddy learn any tricks for us while you were gone?" she asked percy nodded as grabbed Steve and Thor's hands

"I learned how I fight! I'm still learning from Chiron! and Zeus said I can come home year around if I go on a quest if one comes up!" he said happily

"Sea weed brain! you aren't going to say bye" a little girl yelled and smiled at percy they hugged and the girl slung an arm around percy

"This is annabeth annabeth this is my family" percy said I winked at percy and he blushed

Annabeth smiled at us and waved she hugged percy again "don't forget to practice fighting and call camp soon if anything happens" she said and ran off

I looked at percy and he smirked
Clint laughed
"Nice love life?" he sad and percy laughed and blushed
"At least I have a love life" the team laughed and Clint and all hugged percy

I pointed at Percy's dagger "can you use that?" he nodded "want me to show you?" I picked him up and threw him on my shoulders he laughed

"Naw it can wait until we get home" I said and we all started walking down the hill

Steve nodded "so your becoming are little hero huh?" percy shrugged and looked down at me

"I guess I can learn from the best" he said shyly

We all started talking and laughing and learning about Percy's time at camp

I was happy I new about percy

I was glad I was able to keep hold of him when he was taken away

I was glad he came home


Or is it....

Percy Jackson and the family of avengersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora