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Audrey's POV

IT'S HARD. And it's going to be hard for a long time. The kids miss their dad, and I... I miss him too. He wasn't perfect. But he is, was, my husband. The father of my kids. And the love of my life. Ironically, the person that he didn't like, is the same person that's here for us now that he's gone.

He was old-fashioned. But now, I can't hold anything against him, I just have to move on...

"Claire seems to be having some trouble since your husband's death, Mrs. Williams."

"It's only been two weeks. She's coping as best as she can," I defend my daughter. Claire hasn't been dealing with this well. I'm sure she's skipped a few classes, or not turned in homework.

"I know. And we're trying to be as supportive as we can. But she's been, she's..." the principal rubs his temples, "she's been having sex in the girls' restroom, Mrs. Williams."

My breath clusters in my throat, "are you sure?" I swallow. I can feel my body almost shaking. The last thing I need is another reason to stress.

"Yes. That's not tolerated here. And I'm suspending both girls for three days."

I try to shake the uneasiness, "girls? It was with another girl?"

"Yes. We try not to discriminate. But any kind of sexual encounter is against the school's policy. They're too young to be engaging in—"

"I understand," I hold up my hand. I exhale a breath, and close my eyes. Why do I feel some sort of relief?

My biggest concern would be that she can end up pregnant. And she's too young to be having sex with boys...

I don't approve of her having sex with anyone. But the truth is, I do prefer it to be with a girl. For the sake of her not getting any sperm anywhere near her.

The serious question Is... is Claire a lesbian? Or bisexual? Or pansexual? I feel lost for words...

I just need to get through this.

"Mrs. Williams, it would be better if you had a talk with Claire. It's not my place to talk to young girls about their," he clears his throat, "sexuality, and if this happens again, there will be some serious consequences."

"I understand," I grip the edge of my seat, "it won't happen again. Who else knows about this? I mean, who saw them or caught them," I fling my hand into my hair, "you know, in the bathroom."

"Another student. I can't disclose the name. You should talk to your daughter, Mrs. Williams."

"Yes, yes, of course," it's a good thing her dad's dead, else this would be a big deal when we get home. At least that's one good thing that we'll be able to avoid.

I sigh. What am I going to do with her?

"I'll see you out."

We walk out the door, and Claire's sitting right outside. She's got her hoodie covering her face, and probably her earpods in her ears, blasting music.

"Thanks for being understanding, Principal Hahn. I'll see to it that this doesn't happen again."

He nods and walks into his office. I tap Claire on the shoulder, "let's go," she groans and stands.

"Do I have detention?" She asks as we walk down the halls, towards the exit.

I shake my head, "you'll be happy to hear that you got suspended for three days."

"Really?" I grab the car keys from my purse.


"Oh," I get into the driver's seat, and she gets into the passenger side, "I'm sorry, mom. It's not what it—"

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