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Gemma's POV

AUDREY PACKS me leftovers of the banana bread to take home, and promises to make me more, as long as I visit again. I reluctantly agree. The banana bread is more than worth it. And I would seriously buy the recipe, if she'd be willing to sell it.

The next morning, I rent a car and take a drive to Jennings Beach. Looking at the still, blue water, I inhale deeply and enjoy the winds flipping my hair against my face. This town is so beautiful. I sometimes wonder why I ever left. But that thought is always followed by the reasons why I did leave.

"You come here often?" I'm relieved of my thoughts when I notice a short brunette beside me. She leans against the railing of the dock, as she looks at me.

"Not in the longest while," I say. She pulls her sunglasses into her hair, allowing me to see her brown eyes. She's quite attractive.

"And why is that?" I shrug, "not from around here?"

"I grew up here. But I moved away a long time ago. Do you always approach random women at the beach?" That makes her smile.

"Not as often as you'd think. I'm trying to test out my flirting skills, how am I doing?" I stifle a laugh and look back at the beautiful sky.

"Am I not a little too old for you?" She can't be older than her early twenties. I'd even say that she might still be in her teens.

"Just answer my question, please?"

I sigh and look at her again, "you're a little too cheesy for my taste. You've watched a lot of rom-coms, haven't you?"

"No. I'm just really new to this. How about I buy you a drink, and you can teach me how to flirt with women?"

"And you assume I know how to flirt with women, why?" She raises her brow, "don't tell me it's your gaydar."

"It might be because you're wearing Alyssa Edwards' beat face on your shirt?" I look down at my t-shirt and giggle.

"You're saying that I have to be queer to like Drag?" She tilts her head to the side, and squints her eyes.

"You got me. It was the gaydar. What do you identify as? Fluid, bi, lesbian?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you like to keep it simple—chillaxed, right?" If I had any attraction towards her, it vanished when she said the word chillaxed, "there's a bar a few blocks down. Best gay bar in town."

"Are you even old enough to go to a bar?"

"Yeah, like kinda," I turn to look at her, "I mean, of course. I'm not underage or anything."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I turn my attention back to the sky once again, "how old are you, kid?"

"Old enough," I look at the watch on my wrist, and decide that it's time to head back.

"I have to go. But I hope you find someone to teach you some skills. You could use it," I stretch my neck, before turning and heading back to my car.

"YOUR GRANDFATHER'S Will clearly states that all of his assets shall be handed over to you," I'm confused as I look at the papers. Why would he leave me everything?

I know that I'm his only heir. But he could've donated most of this to the church, or to charity. I guess I can definitely afford to buy that recipe from Audrey.

"I'll reimburse you for every—"

"Don't worry about that. Your grandfather made arrangements with me to get everything done while he was still alive. He knew that his time was coming to an end," and he never called?

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