2 • the makeover

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After last night Mr.Cage took me and my brother to a nearby hotel away from the castle for safety. The Russian assailants who murdered my parents weren't all found. Our lives were still in danger and soon we were headed to get a make over to disguise ourselves from the public. 

"We're going to get you two all new passports,birth certificates, and all. Next we'll have to find a suitable home to hide you guys and finally, we'll be changing your appearance and wardrobe."
William finished.

My head pounded from crying myself to sleep last night and I was in no mood for more change. Instead of being rude, I nodded and continued to eat my fruit salad I was given for breakfast. Bell dug into his waffles hungrily and like a monster. Too bad mother wasn't here to scold him and put him into an etiquette class like I was forced to attend. I smiled though at him, he thought this was all a big game of spies.

"What exactly are we going to change about our appearances?"
I asked, while touching my long blonde hair, there was no way I would concede to cutting it.

William looked up from his breakfast and business papers,
"We're going to dye Bellamy's hair to match your blonde. Give you contacts to match Bellamy's green eyes and cut your hair at least 5 inches."

"Cut my hair!?!"
I shrieked and Bell dropped his fork in surprise.

"Fine, if we don't cut your hair, we're dying it brown. Which is probably a better idea."

"I can live with brown, me and Bell will look more alike and I won't have to get contacts?"
I asked hopeful, I hated putting in contacts.

Bellamy looked exactly like my mother, chestnut brown hair and green eyes with soft porcelain skin that never tanned. I liked to think his skin made him and my mother seem more regal.

While I was a spitting image of my father with my blonde hair, blue eyes, a straight nose and a few freckles that would appear during the summer time.

God I missed my parents so much.

"Adelaide did you hear me?" my thoughts interrupted by William.

"I'm sorry, excuse me?"
I said politely while my cheeks burned red in embarrassment.

He signed and repeated himself,
"We're also changing your names. You will now be known as Addie Hertz and Bellamy is now Blake Hertz. You were both born in New York to middle class working parents. You're moving in with George and Emma Tyme on their farm house in Ohio. Emma is an undercover agent, who helps those going into hiding. Emma will also be the only person in the house who knows of your true identity. You are to share your true identity with no one and its best advised to not even speak of it not even to Bellamy here."

"This is a lot of information to remember."
I sighed and said impatiently while drumming my fingers on the table

William smiled sadly and said,
"Don't worry, we'll be making copies for you to study and on the plane ride from Geneva to Ohio you'll be tested on it. Now to continue, Emma is your long lost aunt and since she's your godmother and both your parents died in a car accident she's been gracious enough to take you in. George and Emma have two kids of their own, Cody and Julie about the same age as you two. Any questions?"

Just then Bellamy spilled syrup all over his two day old shirt. I pointed to him as said,
"For this make over are we receiving a new wardrobe? If not we need to retrieve clothing."

William shook his head and said,
"You're receiving a new wardrobe, the clothes you have at the castle are unsuitable to blend in."

I crossed arms and scowled.
what are fashionable and respectable clothing unsuitable for America?

"Alright let's go!"
William clapped his hands together.

Bellamy got up excitedly and followed William out the door.

Ugh guess I really have no choice


"I absolutely adore this!"
I squealed.

I twirled in the mirror in a light pink pleated skirt and plain white shirt with light pink converse. I still had to get used to my hair being brown instead of blonde. I started twirling a piece of chestnut brown hair and sighed. I would kill for my hair to be blonde again.

"I look so chic! Like I'm sporty and adorable! Ah my ladies in waiting would die to see this on me."

Bell looked at me said completely memorized by new look,
"You look pretty."

"Thank you Bell, you look rather dashing as well. I approve."
I said and winked as Bell smiled and blushed.

He was wearing a polo and khaki shorts. So handsome and fashionable, his big sister did pick it out.

"Oh no! No no no no."

William said looking at us with exasperation written all over his face.


"These clothes won't help you fit in at all. Think American country side, not a casual elitist."

From the confused look on both of our faces, William caved and said,
"Keep what you have on, we'll have someone else pick out the rest of your wardrobe. And please start using less formal words."

"Whatever, when do we have to leave?"

William looked at his watch,
"In about 30 min, let's go now just in case."

He signaled the other agents who formed a ring around us. We weren't allowed anywhere without guards, which is what we're used to being on the royal family but the palace guards were nicer and smiled. These American service guards were serious, wore black, and rarely changed facial expressions.

"Come on Bell,"
I said to my brother reaching my hand out for him to grab.

William coughed and said,
"It's best you start using your new names, extra practice will help."

I rolled my eyes when he turned around.

"Come on Blake."  I said louder and putting emphasis on the name to show William my annoyance.

We hopped into a large black SUV with what I assumed bullet proof windows. As we drove from the random hotel to the airport, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever be able to return home again and what ever happened to all the palace guards, maids, and chefs and if they were alright. The rest of the country was on lock down. No one could enter and most planes were required to stay grounded.

As we arrived to the plane on the tar mat, I said my goodbyes to my home country with stinging tears. Bell squeezed my hand and I knew we'd be ok in Ohio, hopefully.


•updates every Saturday•

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