Chapter two

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I sit at home with a coffee in hand. I listen to the bird's chirp outside my bedroom window.

My house is silent and I hate it. My parents are still in New York on their business trip. I was sick of the city so I decided to come here a week early. I may as well get used to being here alone because they are travelling for work a lot more lately. I'm glad they are married and are visiting the same places, or I'd think they were both having an affair.

I promised my mom that I would have at least one friend before they get here. I can't say I'm making wonderful progress yet, but it's only been three days. I guess I could say Sarah is my friend.

Speaking of Sarah, my phone vibrates in my pocket revealing a text message from her inviting me to her house for lunch to meet her friends. I respond with a simple "sure, see you soon!" and throw my phone across the room. I'm horrible at making new friends, and if everybody here is like Rafe then I am screwed.

I change into a new outfit and start walking to Sarah's place. I put her address in google maps because I still don't know my way around the small town.

As I'm getting closer to the house, the environment starts to feel a little familiar. It was dark when I arrived at and left the party last night but this is a street I've definitely been on because it's like a completely different neighbourhood. All the houses are huge and look alike. The house we bought is nicer than some of the houses around us, but definitely not as nice as these.

I walk up the long lawn and ring the doorbell. It only takes a second before Sarah's body is in the doorway.

"Hannah! Hey." She says and pulls me inside.

"Hi." I chuckle.

"Come in." She says.

She leads me down the long hallway and I swear I'm experiencing deja vu. Is this the house the party was at last night? I swear there were so many people there that I wouldn't be able to tell you what colour the walls were.

"Guys, this is Hannah," Sarah says. I turn the corner to see three other boys and one girl. All four of them are truly breathtaking, especially the blonde guy whos already looking me up and down.

"This is John B, my boyfriend, and his friends Kie, Pope and JJ." Sarah says. JJ, interesting.

"Hey." I smile and wave shyly.

"Hey, nice to meet you," Pope says. I mirror his smile and sit on the empty chair beside Kie.

"Want something to drink?" Sarah asks as she opens the fridge door.

"I'm okay, thanks." I smile.

She hauls a bottle of water out for herself and sits on the chair in front of me.

"So, you just moved here?" Kie asks.

"Yeah, from Washington," I say.

"Jeez, what brings you here then?" John B says.

"My parents travel a lot for business. I wasn't going to move with them at first but I just needed a change." I say.

"Interesting, so you got a boyfriend back in Washington?" JJ asks and I can't help but chuckle.

"No, I don't," I say and he grins.

"JJ, relax okay, you just met the poor girl," Pope says and I smile.

I'm so happy these guys aren't like the few I met last night. I can't help but notice how differently they dress too. They almost look dirty? Scruffy? I'm not sure how to describe it.

"So, how did you like the party last night? Meet anyone interesting?" Sarah asks.

"You could say that," I say.

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