"That's quite the life you have there, do you like it?" 

After Charlie asked that question Natalia stood there for a moment, not really sure how to answer, she thought she did, but honestly now she wasn't so sure.


"Oh, yeah, it's, nice." she said with pauses in between each word, "Well then that's all that matters." 

"Thanks for everything Charlie," 

"No need sweetie, anytime."

She smiled sweetly at him before leaving with coffee in had and half of her croissant gone. She had walked far away enough from the stand into the empty sidewalk when she suddenly hit something hard causing her to cry in pain and so did the other object, until she realized it was a person. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," she said to the person she has hit and who she has now spilled coffee all over.

"Don't worry I guess it's not that big of a -"

the person looked up to see who had run into them when she saw it was Natalia "deal"

"What are you doing here?" asked Mila

"I was just getting coffee,"

"The coffee that is now all over me great,"

"Hey you said it was no big deal." said Natalia

"That was before I saw it was you." she said bitterly as she walked past Natalia to the nearest bathroom to try and salvage her shirt. 

Natalia only looked at her walk away, and wished she wouldn't be this angry with her anymore. 


Mila went to go rinse her shirt off in the nearest bathroom after Natalia had spiled her coffee all over it. She didn't know why she was here so long before the wedding, nobody needed her, nobody wanted her here, she should just leave.

After she got enough of the coffee stain out she headed back to working on the Johnson's fence since her coffee run this morning had bee unsuccessful. 

Mila went straight to sanding more of what was left of the fence in order for it to be painted properly, trying to no longer think about the incident and just focus on finishing her work, getting out of this shirt and heading to her art studio to keep working on it. 

The morning went by quickly as she finished sanding the remainder of the fence and even got to painting it, one side of the fence completely painted, she just needed to come back tomorrow for the interior side of it and then it's all inside work. 

"Thank you very much Mila, you're a God send." said Mrs. Johnson

"No need to thank me Delia, you and your husband deserve this more than anything."

"Now please go wash up sweetheart, I know that's your good work shirt."

Mila did as told and left in her jeep to the main house where Rick and Pamela were watching TV in the living room. 

"Hey Hartman, how was work this morning?" asked Rick

"It was good, just have to finish up the fence then kitchen."

"Sounds good, thanks for taking over for me while I take care of Pamela," said Rick

"No need, you know you can count on me."  Rick made a proud smile at his adoptive daughter and continued to watch tv next to his beloved. 

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