Chapter 2- Prologue: Mega Woman

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"Your father is alive!"

"M... mom, stop!"

Back inside the bunker, Riley's eyes moved up and down as he watched her sister try her best to hold onto her headset for dear life. However, their mother's incessant hugging and jumping in joy did not help her one bit... and in the end, she had no choice but to take them off and join her mother.

After all, even though she wasn't showing it, the red circles around her eyes showed that she too, was worried about their father.

On the other hand, Riley just drank a bottle of water as he moved to the side, watching the news as they continued to update the aftermath of the bloodiest battle their world had ever experienced.

Toronto was completely destroyed, as it was the last venue for their battle. More than 2 million, dead. But what the media outlets were not yet covering was the other areas where Darkday and Mega Woman's battle took place.

It started in Brazil, then Mexico, before finally being decided in Toronto. Based on Riley's estimate, then the death toll would probably be more than 5 million by the end of their counting.

Riley could only shake his head and let out a sigh as he turned off the TV, causing her mother to immediately stop celebrating.

"Why did you turn it off!?"

"They are just spouting lies, mother. It is better for you to just wait for father to tell you what really happened."

"Y... you're right," hearing her son's words, Riley's mother let out a long and deep breath as she finally let go of Hannah, "You're right, I should calm down."

"That's not what I meant, mother."

"No, you're right. Your father should be coming home soon," Riley's mother shook her head, "Hannah, prepare the first-aid kit and boil some water."

"What? Why me!?"

"You know your brother can't touch anything hot!"

"But he can at least get the first-aid kit!"

"Just do it! You're the stronger sibling!"

"Argh!" Hannah could not help but screech in frustration as she stomped her way across the bunker,

"You owe me a cheeseburger after this!"

"I thought you turned into a vegetarian?" Riley blinked a couple of times as his sister violently waved her finger right in front of his face.

"That was before Mega Woman died!"

"I do not see the relevance in--"

"I do not see the relevance in," before Riley could finish his words, Hannah repeated his words to him, playing with her voice as she tilted her chin left to right, "Stop being so robotic and help me with--"


This time, it was Hannah that was interrupted as the creaking of the thick steel door hummed in their ears, and afterwards followed by the loud gasp of their mother. Hannah quickly looked towards the noise, only to see their father almost completely covered in blood.

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