1. 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘

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AN: hello! I do hope you enjoy chapter one! Now, George is only a year older than dream in this AU, (and for my fanfic) he got his letter a year later than he was supposed to due to Hogwarts being out of the room/at student limit. Cause why not? Lol so George is 13 years old in his first year and dream is 12 years old in his first year

Also, this isn't formatted the best, so this chapter is basically just how they meet and their first interaction

(Underlined is what they do not have together)

George's schedule:
History of magic
Defense against the dark arts
-be back in your dorm before 10 pm-

Dreams schedule:
History of magic
Defense against the dark arts
George is the definition of a good student. Especially back in a muggle school. He always had his work done on time, did any extra credit work he could, and was always leaving 5 minutes early for class. There was never a time when he wasn't striving for perfection.

..at least that was until he entered Hogwarts.

Going from a muggle world to the world of witchcraft and wizardry is difficult, but not as hard as sitting beside a cute guy in almost every single one of your classes. The Slytherin male he knew as 'Dream' sat beside or close to him in 5 of his 7 classes, always just staring off in the distance while his fluffy light brown hair prevented George from seeing his emerald green eyes.

The brunette male wasn't sure what it was, but he was fascinated with the man beside him. Although, he figured that Dream might not be his real name since he had seen the slytherin male speak with each of their teachers before role call. To George, it was strange. Why would someone ask to change their name to something as ridiculous as 'Dream'
But.. to George, dream kinda suited him. He almost seemed like someone from a dream world, and the fact that he's is passing all of his classes and is never seen doing any work whatsoever while in class

By the end of September, George didn't even try and hide that he was staring at Dream, but then again, he wasn't the only one. Some of the females in their class would stare at him as well, making George wonder if he just didn't want to acknowledge the people looking, or if he was just oblivious..
it made the most sense if he just didn't like the eyes on him and tried to ignore them.

Later in the day, George was off daydreaming in their potions class, the professor gave them all a project and a partner, seeing as there was an even number of students. (And because I'm a cliche human) as they went down the list of names, it was clear that everyone was just being partnered up with the person beside them, making Dream paired with his seatmate, a Ravenclaw male known as George. The slytherin male went to look at the boy beside him, trying not to laugh as George seemed to snap back to reality, startled by the very person he was looking at.

Being slightly confused at what was going on, George slowly spoke "what's up..?" This made Dream snicker "did you not hear the professor? We're doing the potions project together. I think he said it's due for the end of the week" he blinked a few times, slowly nodding as he mumbled "alright- it's up to you, but I'm going to stay here and get started when class is over" Dream smiled but rolled his eyes "you still have 4 days. It's not like it's the end of the world if we wait a few days"

George just sighed, ignoring the brunette and grabbing his potions book before getting to work while Dream rolled his eyes yet again, looking at everything on their shared desk space. The Ravenclaw male's area was clean and tidy, but his area was unorganized and all over the place. The blonde took out his notebook, trying to focus on the task they were given but it made no sense to him, especially since he never fully payed attention. So instead, he excused himself to the washroom.

...he didn't come back. So George just sat in the now empty classroom, as even the professor had left. He just sat at his table, working away at what was supposed to be a two-person project. He hummed to himself, actually kind of glad for the peace. The blue light that seeped in from the window beside him added a calming vibe. The potions class was quite nice. It had small windows, high enough that you couldn't accidentally break them, and small vines across the walls and roof.

If you didn't see the desks, you probably wouldn't know it's a classroom, which added to the peaceful atmosphere. George just picked a simple yet difficult potion to experiment with for their project and started taking notes at what he found.

With how empty and quiet the classroom is, it was a little startling to hear footsteps into the classroom and then a familiar voice "your seriously still here?"

The Slytherin male, Dream, stood at the doorway. At first, George couldn't figure out why he came back. But he realized when the blonde started walking towards him. 'He left his bag' the Ravenclaw male just sighed and got back to work, waiting for Dream to leave..
To his surprise, however, he sat down, looking at George. The brunette just slowly looked back at him, mumbling a soft "what is it?" Before a shocking answer left the taller males lips

"You're quite easy on the eyes"


Word count: 974

-𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔- dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now