Chapter one

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Somebody is banging on the bedroom door.

I walk through the crowded hallway. Nobody else seems to hear the banging over the loud music blaring through the huge house.

I walk slowly down the hall, pressing my ear against every door to find the one with the angry person behind it. The person must be angry, why else would they be banging on the door?

I stop when I come to the only door with blood on the doorknob.

I knock lightly on the door, earning a couple of looks from people standing around me.

"You may not want to go in there." A guy chuckles. "That's Rafe Cameron's room."

"So?" I ask.

"It's very clear to see you're new here, I take it you haven't heard of or met Rafe yet." The same guy says.

"No, I haven't. What's his deal?" I ask.

"He has a long list of issues baby, I'd step away before he murders you for interrupting whatever he's got going on in there." Another guy says. My body cringes when he calls me baby.

Murder? They have to be overreacting. There wouldn't be hundreds of people packed into this house if they knew a murderer lived here. Right?

I decide to ignore them and knock on the door once more, a little louder this time. This time my hand is shaky, what if he does come out and kill me? I don't think he would, not in front of all of these people.

"Can I help you?" A breathy voice says from behind the door.

"Um, I heard you hit the door or the wall. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." I say. A couple of guys snicker behind me, probably because I'm trying to help the poor guy. That's the type of person I am. I try to help everybody who's in danger or feeling sad.

"Fuck off Amelia." He grunts.

"It's Hannah actually. You don't know me, I'm new here. I actually don't know anybody here besides a girl named Sarah. She invited me here tonight. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, but I can leave. You were just making a lot of noise and nobody else seemed to care to check on you." I babble. I do that a lot apparently.

Suddenly I realize that nobody in the hallway is talking and are looking at me instead. I seriously don't understand the big deal about helping somebody whos clearly upset.

"Your silence tells me that you don't need any help so I guess I'll go. Um, I'm sorry to have bothered you." I say.

I turn around and start to walk away until I hear the door slightly open behind me. I turn around and I'm surprised to see him standing in the doorway. He looks up and down the hall before making eye contact with me again.

"Jesus, get in here and shut up." He says. I stay stood in my spot, admiring his tall body now hovering over me. He grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. He shuts and locks the door behind him.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Hannah Avery. I just moved here." I say.

"And why are you banging on my door?" He asks, eyes narrowing.

"As I said, I heard noise coming from the room and I just wanted to make sure you were okay," I say.

My hands are trembling by my side, and my heart rate starts to pick up when I realize he's staring at me like he really does want to kill me.

He steps closer and my breath hitches.

"Do I make you nervous?" He mumbles.

"Um no," I say. I think that's the right thing to say when you really are terrified for your life.

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