Hog tied

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Coach thought it would be a smart idea to tie us all together with a rope a lot of us disagreed. "This is more crowded than a tuck load of goats" Dwayne said which made some of us chuckle "someone licked me" avermen whined "you need to learn to work as a team!" Coach said standing back "work as one. So as one skate" he smirked to himself as he watched us attempt to move and fall. "Everyone goes their own way everybody falls" he laughs as we struggle to get up "Everyone to the right!" Dean bosses "who made you boss everyone move left!" Fulton argued those two should get along they're literally the same person my god. "hey meat heads get along find someone who knows their shit to do it how about Charlie" I say and Dwayne smiles at me "Haileys right Charlie should instruct us he's captain" I blush when Dwayne pats my shoulder "hailey doesn't know shit" Dean said annoyed. That made my self esteem drop Dwayne noticed too because he spoke up "Dean man don't be like that it was an idea and she's right" Dean grumbled "apologize" Dwayne said as if it was obvious "sorry" Dean grumbled and Dwayne whispered to me "he's mad you're smarter than him don't worry" I smile and my courage goes up a little "ok guys go forward" Charlie says and we slowly inch forward "THATS IT" coach claps "we're hog tied" I laugh "like I said more crowded than a truck full of goats" Dwayne chuckles at my comment. "Ok I'm going to untie you now" coach says and walks over to Ye "thank Jesus" I laugh "about time" Dwayne smiles as the rope drops off of us and we all spread apart. I go to the Bench and chug some water and Dwayne comes up behind me "I was thinking coach was right we would make a great team on the ice" I blush and hide it with my hands he grabs my hands and pulls them away "no need to hide it you do it to me too" he blushes at his own words a little embarrassed he was that forward. "BRING IT IN GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA" coach yells and we all go and take a knee beside him.

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