Waking up chp 1

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Vanessa's pov

Darkness is all I can see, 'what happened, where is my family' that's all I can think about right now, "vanessa" I hear a strange voice calling my name "Vanessa" it's getting closer "VANESSA" and then a hand comes out from the darkness. My eyes shoot open and I am no longer in darkness, I'm in some kind of bath tub with strange liquid in it "what the hell?" I said and I climbed out of the tub and looked at my surroundings, I'm in some kind of hospital in a room with the same kind of bathtubs but empty, I walked through the double doors and saw a hallway decorated with gaur like some holloween scream fest but a bit disturbing 'what happened here and we're am I' I thought.

I was walking through the corridor until I hear a inhuman roar and crashing and turned around to see the door at the end of the hallway open and a man walked in, he looked at me with confusion and a bit of suspicion "I didn't know that there are more people here" he said walking to me "huh w-what do you mean" I ask, he was about to speak but the door was kicked open by a chainsaw welding mad man "RUN!" He shouted and both of us started to run to the elevator down the hallway and as we got close to the elevator it opened on its own as if it was expecting us and i pushed the man towards the elevator and rushed in to the elevator, the doors closed with the mad man trying to get through by trying to cut the metal doors up with his chain saw but it was all in vain as the elevator went up and I signed in relief, I heard the man grunt and turned to see him throw away a packet of cigarettes "so what's your name" he ask "Vanessa you" I said "Sebastain or Seb for short" he said.

The elevator finally reached the floor that it was destined to be at, me and Sebastain stood up and walked out of the elevator down another corridor, suddenly the windows shattered with a loud bang as me and Seb covered our faces from the shards of glass "what the hell was that" Sen said and both of us ran to the exit and open the doors to see a apocalyptic city, a ambulance came reversing up to us "detective get in get in!!" a man shouted and both of us ran to the ambulance with me climbing inside the back and Seb rushing to the front but the ambulance started to move but sebastain got in by jumping through the window.

We got through a crazy car ride avoiding death but it was long over, "who are you" a girl ask "Vanessa I think I met your friend sebastain" I said and she nods also looking at me suspiciously "Kidmen" she said, after the Adrenalin car chase we could all have i breather, I looked at a White haired boy which I learned to be called leslie and a man name Dr Marcelo jimenez "is everyone alright?" Seb ask us "just a few bumps where fine" she said "fine..fine..fine" Leslie said "we will be once were far away" Marcelo said "fine..fine...f-find. FALL FALL FALL!!!" Leslie shouted as the ambulance suddenly swerved to the side hitting the wall and kidmen running to the window "look out!!" She shouted "FALL FALL FALL" Leslie screamed until we were all lifted up in the air and i saw the ground rushing towards us 'this is just a hellish nightmare I just need to wake up and this will be over' I thought and then there was darkness.

Rights belong to the creators of the game the evil within

Vanessa belongs to me

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