The Star Stays - 2

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Once Tonio had arrived back home with Mikitaka, he led him into the home rather awkwardly. He had already said it wasn't much, so he wouldn't repeat himself again, but he was beyond tempted. The star looked around the home with an obviously curious intent. The way he stared at certain objects and showed interest in others was entertaining to Tonio, yes, but each time he'd quickly come to realize that he needed to get Mikitaka clothing before anything else. 

"I'll be back, I'm going to get you something to wear." The blonde clarified as he turned to go to his room. The star spared him a glance before going back to playing with the bottle opener he had found. He didn't have all that much, but there were a few things what were slightly small on him he could give. Pants would be difficult. Tonio didn't know if he really had anything in Mikitaka's size, though he looked anyway. Luckily, he found something which was two sizes too small for him in the very bottom of his dresser. How did he miss those? Usually he'd have gotten rid of them. Upon coming out west, Tonio gained a lot of muscle weight and his pant size went up, so he supposed these were from his time where he had only just arrived.  He turned back to go offer the things to his newfound acquaintance.

"Here, put these on." He said softly. "Generally people don't walk around in nude." Tonio decided to elaborate for the other. Mikitaka took the clothes, but looked slightly confused.

"Why not? It's comfortable and it isn't all that cold." He asked quietly. Tonio wasn't sure what he expected, but he really should have expected questions. Surely a star like Mikitaka wouldn't really understand all that much about human culture, so he didn't really mind answering questions.

"Most people are made uncomfortable by nudity." He hummed quietly and went to go get himself something to eat. "I don't mind it too much, but I am more comfortable with you wearing something." Tonio called from the kitchen. Mikitaka thought for a moment. It was incredibly odd to him, but he got the clothing on anyway. The pants were still a little loose in the waist and the shirt was big on him, but he decided to deal with it. It had a certain smell to it which Mikitaka found unique, much different than most smells. 

"What are you doing?" He asked softly. Tonio turned to him and hummed. Mikitaka didn't look like a complete wreck, surprisingly. Tonio had half expected it with how the clothes hadn't fit him. 

"Making myself something to eat. Are you hungry?" He asked softly. The star shook his head. He wasn't so sure about human food yet, it was very different and foreign to him, and besides, he didn't really need to eat anything until a few days from now. To maintain homeostasis, his species needed very little compared to a human.

"I don't eat very often." He said softly. Mikitaka looked over Tonio's shoulder at what he was making. Maybe another time, it didn't look all too bad. "Sorry if it's impolite." Tonio was unsure.

"It's not impolite, don't worry." Tonio said simply. "Make yourself at home. Like I said, it's not much, but it's where I live." He hummed and put together a small meal for himself, though he thought hard while he worked. "How did you fall to Earth, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked softly. Mikitaka seemed taken aback by the question and faltered for a moment. 

"Well, it's rather embarrassing to admit, but I don't necessarily remember." He chuckled awkwardly and linked his fingers together, his thumbs fidgeting to ease the nervousness on his face. Tonio found it odd, but he decided not to pry any further.

"Luckily for you, I'm not one to judge." Tonio sent the other a smile, which only solicited a slight ear twitch from Mikitaka and a slight smile back. The cowboy went no further with the questioning for now. It could wait until the morning, really. 

"Are all humans so.." Mikitaka paused a moment and tried to find the right words. "Hospitable?" That seemed like the right word to the star.  "And do they all carry guns like yours?" He was seemingly afraid of the guns, for whatever reason. It's not like anyone would intentionally hurt a star so beautiful, Tonio thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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