Chapter 20

481 20 48

Hachaama, Yagoo, and Heil-A is inside of the office

Yagoo massaging her head, Hachaama is looking down at the floor, while Heil-A is drinking coffee

Yagoo: I didn't think Heil is very susceptible to rape

Heil-A: You just noticed?

Yagoo: Yes... for some reasons most of the girls she interacted with starting liking her like they saw their prey...

Yagoo: Botan actually kissed her in the pretence to taste the lollipop

Yagoo: and now Hachaama attempts to rape her because she is jealous?

Hachaama: Yes...

Yagoo: Based on how Hachaama is fidgeting like crazy I presume you did it to her?

Heil-A: Yes... Because the Aphrodisiac is so strong that even now I can't switch

Yagoo: *sigh* in the past is she susceptible to get harassed by females?

Heil-A: Yes quite often, but the only female she slept with is Choco

Yagoo: I see...

Yagoo: I didn't think Heil is a chicken magnet

Heil-A: *nods*

Yagoo: Hachaama

Hachaama: Yes?!

Yagoo: I won't punished you harshly for that, but Hololive will have to make a statement about that incident to clarify the situation

Yagoo: you have a 1 week to reflect about your mistakes

Yagoo: don't add any weird substance next time or don't do it when you are streaming

Hachaama: I will...

Hachaama: but Is it allowed if its offline?

Yagoo: I mean you can, but Heil-A will play with you

Hachaama flinched

Hachaama: Okay.... I won't do it again

Yagoo: you can go now...

Hachaama: Yes

Yagoo: Heil is my daughter by the way!

Hachaama is shocked and goes to the elevator opening it

Hachaama: I'm sorry!!!

She dissapears from the office

Heil-A: the power of Nepotism

Yagoo: You make it sound like I'm abusing my power

Heil-A: What do you think?

Yagoo: if its for my daughter I will even defeat the demon lord

Heil-A: I doubt you can defeat Lilith though...

Yagoo: you are right...

Heil-A: I'm your daughter too, to be honest why do you throw me under the bus?

Yagoo: you like to do that aren't you?

Heil-A: can't say I am...


In the HoloX floor

Heil: So The first one will debut is Laplus

Heil: Next is Lui, Koyori, Chloe and Iroha

Heil: So make sure to mark the date and make an Alarm for that

HoloX: Yes!

Heil: Tommorow is your Debut Laplus

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