Chapter 14.5

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Reporter: A local church has been attacked by unknown people

Reporter: And many of its members are unconscious and wounded

Reporter: The electric devices the church have been overloaded and now unusable

Reporter: a total of over 100 people have been rushed to the local Hospitals to get healed

Reporter: That's all for the report-

the TV has been switched off

Yagoo: so you basically made them all unconscious?

Heil: Not me its the new members I just cleaned up the head priest and the bishops

Yagoo: I see... did you use memory manipulation on them?

Heil: I eat their memories

the man froze and look at the little girl

Yagoo: you what?

Heil: I eat their memories

The man texted someone

Yagoo: do you feel pain anywhere?

Heil: No?

Yagoo: you know that eating memories will force you to assimilate with it

Heil: Yes

Yagoo: then why you did it!!!

Heil: I'm fine... there's no drawbacks at it

Yagoo: No, I forbid you to eat memories again its better to kill them next time

The man massages his head

Yagoo: I should've helped you there...

Yagoo: Promise me to not eat memories again

Heil: I Heil will vow not the eat memories again...

Yagoo: Good, go to the clinic that's an order

Heil: Yes...

the little girl moves out of the office downcast

-Small memory event-

A young maroon haired girl can be seen playing with Yagoo

Irys: Hear me out uncle Tanigo, I can get the memories of the dead! isn't that awesome!

Yagoo: Yes it's very awesome...

Irys: I will make sure to be the beacon of hope to the people in the world

the girl trains to be the greatest swordsman the world can offer with Yagoo as her teacher

She fight battles against demons winning everytime

the scenery moves forward and the cheery girl that is always smiling become down cast and have hollow look she become older

Irys: Hey, uncle who am I

Yagoo: You are still you so don't lost yourself

Irys: Who is the person you've talking to? I'm not sure who is the real me anymore

Yagoo: you are still the girl named Irys the one who is full of hope so don't worry about it

Irys: I will try

the young girl forces a smile

The same girl can be seen dead in the battlefield with the demonic monsters

the more She killed the more memories rushes into her head, she tried to be the hope of mankind but she fell because of despair

The man hugs the girl crying

He resurrected the girl using the people's hope but the curroption of demons seeps into it making her a nephilim the angel of destruction

He realised it too late...

He tried to be a role model to her and teaches her to not become the opposite of hope

He successfully converted her to become good and He strips the ability to gain memories to the dead

-memory ends-

Yagoo: I successfully saved her but the cost is her life, she isn't Irys who is my student, she is an another person that's why I failed

Yagoo: I hope you won't think bad of me Heil, I don't want to lose someone who is under my wing...


▪︎I maybe short but I'm very cute▪︎

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