Part 1

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In the middle of the night, I ran, my feet hurt, the high heels not helping the cause. I almost trip, on my wedding gown, the net tearing as it stuck under my pointed pencil heels. But, I did not fall. My arm was grabbed, and I faced my savior, who was also the one I ran from.

"Destined to be mine", he uttered with a smirk

"Sierra !" my mother's voice snapped me out of my nightmare.

"Yes, mom" I rub my eyes, trying to avoid the bright lights.

"Thank God, you are up. Get going now, or you'll be late again", she said.

I nod and stretch, getting out of bed. I rushed to the restroom to freshen up.

As, I washed my face, I recalled my dream.

Why did I dream this again? Some say dreams are the products of your desires. Others say, they represent your future in a way. But I do not desire him. I don't even think about him. But randomly, he appears in my dreams, not a lot, sometimes. Once in a few years I get this dream. Where Antares Buonarroti, is the man I am married to, getting married to, or running from. I get angry, or simply laugh at the thought. It's not possible. I wouldn't allow it.

Antares Buonarroti, is the man I dislike. Or hate, is the proper word I think.

The perfect guy, the perfect son. The most intelligent, obedient, disciplined guy , in the Familia. He is everything I could want in a husband, as believed by mine and most of the other families.

The Buonarroti's, are the boss family of our world. Adriano Buonarroti, the founder of this extensive family, and Antares's great, great grand father. For years, the family has been ruling the Guccia clan. My father, Antonio Managham, though born amongst the one serving the family, decided to stay away from the crime business, and decided to become a professor. He fell in love with my mother and despite the tradition, married her, even though she wasn't the part of our clan. I know what love is, thanks to my parents. Antares, however, does not.

He is like his mother, very traditional, but unlike her, he doesn't follow the traditions. He does what he wants and makes sure everyone does what he orders, or else, consequences are deadly.  And he's ruthless, cunning and cunning people are hard to deal with. And he knows it, so no one dares to mess with him.

He has never been involved with drugs, gambling, sex, no one has heard of him having any short term flings.

But, he is violent. As violent as anyone could be. He thrives on his anger, torturing his enemy being his favorite hobby.  And he always wins, no matter how much blood is spilled.

That's why, no one ever messes with him, especially my family.

But I did.

As a child, I pissed him off, not once, not twice, but many times. Where all girls played with dolls and stayed far away from boys, learning to be obedient wives in future, I went ahead and did everything I was forbidden to.  Like making fun of him, calling him names, playing pranks on him. It was only when I was older, that I realized I had stepped on the lion's tail. Thankfully though, we had stopped visiting the members of Familia and stayed far away from everything.

Living away from the clan, doesn't mean that you are no more a part of it. My father's love and adoration for Antares, proves that. While we never do, my father annually visits him, and makes sure they are well and know he means well. Antares's mother, being my father's distant cousin, makes his relationship with them stronger. The fact that Antares's father isn't around and his mother is sick, makes my father's heart grow tender.

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