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I didn't know it would be so easy.
To own you, to break you. To have you as my possession and destroy everything I inside you. I had always wanted to crush your dreams, take away your happiness, end your peace. I envied you, for having all that I could never get. A loving father, I could never have. A life full of love and happiness. You are the apple of everyone's eyes. A beautiful angel, that everyone desires.
And I am death and darkness. I have seen just pain and suffering. While you lived a life on the bed of roses. I burned in hell fire from the day of my birth. You had everything and I had nothing.
But now the tables shall turn.
I wouldn't know it would be so easy. So naive and innocent, I never realized you will surrender so easily.
Just a few words of tenderness, and you melted into my arms.
All it took was a little effort, and you fell deep for my ruthless heart.
It was easy, but your suffering won't be. I'll break you completely. And you shall allow it. You will burn with me, for me and I shall not let you go.

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