~Chapter Three~

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A\N: I feel like I need to clarify that Ian is both part cat and human, does that make sense? Good now continue reading.

I wake-up in the most uncomfortable position, but I'm part cat so this was very comfy, but my human half didn't like it so I get up and stretch. Anthony slumps over to the side, and I laugh more humanly.

"Ian what the fuck are you laughing at?" Anthony says very groggy. I point at him, he raises a brow. "Come here kitten," he motions for me to come over. I obediently do as I'm told, Anthony is kind, way better than my last one that's for damn sure.

"Ian, I love you," he says out of the blue and I kiss his face. He swiftly turns his head so our lips crash together. Our lips move in sync. I feel him stroking my tail and I try to purr, but it came out like a vibration. He moans a little and does it again.

"Ian, you're just to damn cute and sexy. How is this even possible?" I shrug. Color flushes into my cheeks. I was rubbing my head in the crook of his neck. "Ian... Stop or my little friend will pop out and I have work in an hour, not enough time."

I look at him. I devilishly smirk and continue. "Ian if you want me to take you right now, I suggest you stop now," he growls in my hear. I jump off his lap and scamper into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Anthony's laugh could be heard from down the hall.


An hour sure as hell goes by quickly, because Anthony was already out the door for work. I'm so lonely, maybe I should do more inspecting. I creep into Anthony's room, he has a silver machine on the bed with a black sticker on it.

I lift the lid on it, it lit up and I was in complete awe at this wondrous machine. Luckily before I was taken away from my mother, she had taught me how to read and write. I press my hand down on the buttons with letters on it.

He was still logged in, what an idiot. I go to the Google search engine, I think that was what it is called, I overheard two of the other scientist complain how inaccurate it is. I type in Ian the first thing that pops up is Ian Hecox: Missing boy report. I read on out of curiosity.

In March of 1995 a missing boy by the name Ian Andrew Hecox(8) was reported missing. He was last seen by his mother, Cheryl Hecox(29). Listen here to what she has to say.

"I sent Ian out to get the newspaper, twenty minutes later he wasn't outside. We walked around the street calling his name, we went to every single place that we knew of till finally, we filed a missing child report." She then started to burst out in tears.

I couldn't bare to read much more, so I decide to look up more coherent government problems. I look every where on the internet looking for a distraction from the thoughts of my mother. I wish I could see her again.

"Ian bear, I'm home," I didn't realize I had tear stains running down my cheek. "Ian, what's wrong boo?" Anthony now stands in front of me now, "don't worry you don't have to tell me."

Anthony holds onto me well tears run down my cheek, staining his shirt.

A\N: Double update whoop whoop, turn up. I was inspired to write this after your nice comments, so thank and I will keep up with this story now that I have a perfect plot -Liv

Whiskers and All (Ianthony)*HOLD*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin