Chapter 16-Gone Wrong

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That night Kris lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Was taking out their soul a good idea? Or a bad one? When Hank was overly violent, no one batted an eye, but when Kris was overly violent, everybody yelled and carried on. They sighed with frustration and they tossed and turned, how were they gonna get out of here? This wasn't a Dark World, Kris couldn't just do the usual and seal up a fountain. And what about all their friends? Susie and Ralsei and Noelle and Berdly? What were they doing? Kris sighed again. If they were gonna figure out how to get out of here, they needed sleep. Kris rolled into their side and closed their eyes, slowly drifting off....

"Has the bait been set?"
"Yes sir"
"Good, now all we have to do is wait"

The next morning Kris got up and went into the kitchen. Sanford and Deimos were there, chatting and laughing about something. As soon as Kris entered, Sanford shot them a hostile look and turned back to Deimos, who was excitedly explaining something. Kris ignored him, they'd had a lot of practice with this type of stuff with Susie. They sat down as Doc entered the room. "Okay everyone! After we have breakfast, there's another base that needs raiding, so meet in the garage okay?". Sanford muttered something and looked at Kris, they ignored him again, searching the pantry for something to eat. They found a banana and grabbed it before anyone else could. They peeled off the skin and practically inhaled the thing, then they walked over and sat down, staring at Doc. Once everyone was finished, Doc spoke "I've located another base, there seems to be lots of cloning going on there, and we all know how painful it is to fight off thousands". "So just a repeat of yesterday?" Deimos said, pulling a cigarette out of his mouth and exhaling smoke. "Yes, basically" "we're not taking Kris, right?" Sanford said. "Err....we can't just leave them here, Sanford" Doc said. "But they-" "we can't even prove what they were doing yesterday" Hank said. Everyone looked at him in surprise. "They could of been killing agents for al we know" they said casually. " do have a point, but.." Sanford struggled to find the right words to say. "Let's just...let them come along, if anything happens we know what to do" Doc sighed. Sanford didn't say anything, just got up and walked away. Kris didn't know what to make of Hank defending them, he didn't seem like the apologetic what was their motive? Now wasn't the the time to ponder, they had to prove they weren't a traitor.
One very awkward drive later, Kris was standing with Hank next to the base, wielding a knife. They had decided to reuse the plan from yesterday, since this wasn't really that much of an important mission. Hank kicked down the door and raced into the room, tailed by Kris, but no one was in there. Hank looked around in confusion, where was everyone? Kris suddenly felt chills running down their spine, something was off, they could feel it. Kris and Hank walked through the halls, examining everything around them. The place looked abandoned, but Doc had said that there was a cloning operation going on here, there was no way he could be wrong, right?
Suddenly, the radio erupted with static, then the sounds of gunshots. "It's a trap!" A voice yelled "run! Get out!" There was more static, the silence. Then there were footsteps, all around them. Hank instantly pulled out their gun and fired at the crowds of agents that swarmed out of the hall around them. The rest was a blur, all Kris could remember is being lost in a tangle of bodies, slashing at anything that made contact with them, and then something struck Kris hard on the back of the head, knocking them out.

A SOUL in Nevada (Deltarune x MadCom)Where stories live. Discover now