I have many plans actually. First one I already told you. Second one is to punch Easton's knee, third is to pluck Erin's hair. Fourth one is to make Fain smile-

Before I could complete my list, I saw a big mansion in front of me. Oh- wait what.

The mansion wasn't a haunted one but it because of lights I couldn't get a clear view. How many places does this giant own huh.

"Yo fucker is this yours too" I asked closing my eyes a bit to get a clear view.

And he just nodded. Mute duck

So one penthouse for all his friends. One penthouse for people he kidnaps and one for himself.


He took me to a room and made me sit on the bed. A person wearing who I assume is a doctor entered.

Bro this doc is hot too-

What's up with all of em.

Okay this is goona hurt.

"What a beautiful view? An assassin fearing antiseptics " The 'oh so hot doc' said

Is this bitch aware of how much it burns.

Suddenly Mr. Unknown fella came forward and bent. The fact that after bending he reaches my shoulder is just-

"Want hug? " He asked with a small almost nonexistent smile.

I reciprocated it with a huge ass grin and turned my body a bit to see him. A hug is all i need when I'm afraid and nervous. I give it for free to people.

"Yes, sure" I exclaimed happily moving my arms towards him.

"Well, I don't" He said showing me his mid finger.

"Bitch" I said and scowled.

"Dawg" He replied.




"Still fucking"



"Model "



"Fuckin- fuck"

"Gotchu " I said with a sly smile.

"Done" Doc said patting my head. What am I, 5 ?

He's hot doc but I'm gonna eat him like hot dog. Wha- wtf

'You dirty lil freak'

"Gotta go. See ya, make sure she takes rest. Dont walk for a few days" Doc said gave me a smile and left.

Mr. Unknown wrapped his arm around my legs and in a swift flow put them on the bed. He held my shoulder made me lay flatly throwing a pillow and blanket at me.

Which directly hit my head-

That hurts

"Sleep" He said and left.

Umm, no thanks sir

I laid there. For hours. I can't walk for some days. Which means no getting out of room. Which also means I can't irritate anyone.

Can I die please?

' Um yeah, sure'

Suddenly the door flew open and-

Guess what?

Rhett and his friends entered. Yay
I'm gonna fuck their life. I swear I need Hank. If they didn't bought him I'm done. With everything including my ass.

Ain't that surprising?

"Hey, you okay? "

I'm itching to make a sarcastic comment but did he-

Did he just asked if I'm okay? Like this is the first time I feel like somebody acknowledged my existence.

I'm gonna cry.

"Yess" I said with a big ass smile showing them a victory smile. Rhett smiled back with Aylo, Felin and Easton, while others just nodded.

"Atleast you didn't die. I'm the one who can do that" Erin said with a sly smirk while Zach scowled.

"Bitch how dare you say that" Zach said.

Okay, I think I'm in love-

"I was planning that" Fuck this bitch too.

Fain came towards me and looked at me. Darkly as if he was staring at my soul.

" Keep this shit to yourself your pet is as irritating as you" He said looking at Hank whom he was clutching lightly as they both glared at each other.

Lmao. Proud mum moment.

After a bit chitchat, Aylo fucking Zach, they all left. The door was closed and I was gonna irritate Hank when-

Zach came?

He closed the door behind him and moved closer to my face.

'Flick' Flick'

"Ugh, the satisfaction I swear" He said and left after flicking my forehead.

Once I'm able to walk I'll make sure only one of us is alive.

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