Broken Promises

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Esther Solomons— the woman that had held Thomas Shelby's heart from the time they were mere children. The woman he had loved. The woman he promised to return to after the war. The woman that broke him.

Thomas returned from France to find a letter awaiting him rather than the woman he loved. A letter offering Esther's apologies along with the knowledge that she had left Small Heath behind for a new life with her new husband. Promising him that she'd never be back and wish him a lifetime of happiness. But what happens when that promise is broken?


Natalie Dormer as Esther Eisen (née Solomons)

"You have no right to stand here, talking as if you know me

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"You have no right to stand here, talking as if you know me. I've fucking changed, just like the lot of you. None of us are the same!"


Eric Dane as Joseph Eisen

"You're not with your little razor gang anymore, you don't have any power here

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"You're not with your little razor gang anymore, you don't have any power here. It's best you remember that."


Elsie Fisher as Peony Eisen

Elsie Fisher as Peony Eisen

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