Chapter 5: Emie

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Emie tried their best to forget the snake incident. She was so embarrassed that both the students and Becky had seen what had happened. It wasn't their fault that she was terrified of snakes! Snakes were so...scaly and weird. Any logical person would be scared of them, right? Emie did feel bad for spooking Jax though. It took a lot to bother the old Lipizzan-draft and knowing that he had already been spooked once that day made Emie feel that much more guilty. After calming down the students, Emie called over their next student and had the student fetch and tack up her horse.

The student—Ashley—was a cute redhead that had been obsessed with Heartland for as long as Emie could remember. While Emie found it endearing, it also made Ashley's lessons some of the hardest because Ashley seemed to believe that they already knew enough to be an advanced rider, even though this was far from true. As Ashley fetched Spades the roan, Emie found herself taking a moment to catch their breath. Spades was quickly tacked up and led into the arena with Emie trailing close behind, calling out to Spades every couple of steps to remind the mare of her presence.

Passing Ashley to open the door, Emie managed to catch the image of the broken mounting block out of the corner of their eye. Emie knew that she and Becky would likely have to cover the cost of replacing the mounting block, as it seemed to be in a state beyond repair. With this being Emie's only source of her own income, she felt pained by this realization. Maybe she could convince Becky to cover it because it had been her student to break it, though Emie doubted this on some level. Becky had never really been one for fairness.

"On Heartland last night, Amy got Spartan to lunge around her with just a stick!" Ashley said excitedly. "I want to do that with Spades today! I know I can do it!"

"Let's take it slow, okay?" Emie tried, stopping in the center of the arena while Ashley began walking Spades around the outside track. "I think you should make sure that you do your long and low before you try and lose-lunge."

"Okay!" Ashley said, face gleaming with excitement and anticipation. "I'll do the best long and low, just like Amy Flemming!"

Emie nodded to encourage her student but worried that Ashley might be becoming too focused on becoming the next Amy Flemming instead of becoming an overall better rider. Perhaps Emie would have to speak with Ashley's parents, though Emie had never really been a fan of that. Speaking with the parents of a student that barely listened to you was more likely to result in an argument instead of a resolved issue.

Since there was no mounting block, Emie gave Ashley a leg up, which Spades wasn't too happy about. Ashley was one of those students who talked every chance they got, so while Emie reminded her to correct their posting diagonal, Ashley took it as an opportunity to start another conversation.

"Did you know that Amy trained a roan once?" Ashley asked. "Just liked Spades!"

"Can you please ask Spades to walk for three strides before asking for a T-R-O-T?" Emie asked, taking a deep breath, being careful to spell the command so that Spades was truly listening to Ashley.

"What's the point of a helmet?" Ashley asked, a moment before clucking softly to ask Spades to change gaits to a trot. "Do I really need it? Amy doesn't ride with a helmet! She only needs a cowgirl hat. Can I wear a cowgirl hat? My mummy bought me one yesterday so that I look just like her."

"If you're riding, a helmet is very important. It can save you from severe injuries if you take a tumble. I'm not sure Kayleigh would let you ride in a cowgirl hat. I'm pretty sure it was in the safety release that you signed before taking lessons here that you must wear a helmet anytime before you mount a horse." Emie explained as patiently as possible. "C'mon, get after your horse. That's a very sloppy trot." Ashley immediately gave Spades a shove, with their heels making Spades speed up considerably. "Half halt," Emie said, and Ashely slowed Spades down to a nice working trot. "Very good, ask for the canter in the next corner, circle until you get a proper transition. Don't let Spades rush into it."

"Okay!" Ashley said excitedly. "When do you think I'll be ready to do barrel racing?"

"Once you've reached the intermediate level and have Kayleigh's approval," Emie responded without hesitation. "Just like everyone else." Ashley nodded, seeming a little disappointed by the answer.

Ashley, seemingly upset by Emie's answer, sharply urged Spades into a canter when reaching the corner. As Spades struggled to change gaits, Emie noticed a slight shyness on the left hind leg. Emie cursed themself for not noticing sooner. No wonder Spades had been acting so lethargic; she was lame! Emie opened her mouth to call out a warning, but it was much too late.

Ashley urged her again, resulting in a panicked snort on Spades' behalf. After the third urge, Spades had clearly had enough. After only two more difficult paces, Spades let out an angry snort and threw out her hind legs in a perfect bronc-style buck, sending Ashley flying overhead. Emie rushed to collect Spades, before going to Ashley's side.

"Can you sit up?" Emie asked, genuinely worried.

Ashley sat up with anger plastered over their face. "I'M SUING!" Ashley yelled, making Spade's head jerk up.

Emie really wanted to snap back with "aren't you glad you were wearing a helmet?" but they figured it wasn't the best time.

"In the liability form that you and your parents signed, you agreed that we hold no liability if you are to get injured. Therefore, you can not bring us to court. Our only obligation if you get severely injured is to call emergency services. Now, I will ask you again, can you sit up?"

The question came out more forcefully than Emie had originally intended, but it seemed to do the job. Ashley quickly and sharply nodded her head and tried to push herself up. As far as Emie's glance could determine, nothing was broken, but Ashley was going to become extremely sore in the next few minutes.

"Normally, I would ask you to get back on Spades, but since she is also injured, I'll put her back into her stall for some rest. Do you think you can walk?" Ashley nodded and slowly got to their feet. It wasn't even after lunch on the first day, and nothing positive had come out of running the stable. 

So, another twist in this very conveluded plot. I hope you guys are enjoying this, even though it seems that only my co-writer seems to be reading this. I don't really have too much to say today in this author's note, so I just hoped you enjoyed this. Until next time,


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