Rivet: *sniff* hey, *sniff*hehe, can you, leave us alone, for a bit p-please?

* Clank look at kit and then he does " ok, yes" with his head.*

*they go away, and then clank goes to Fer, telling him the news, Kit goes to Luna instead*

Rivet: R-Ratchet, can you hear me? *putting her head near his chest* I- I am *sniff* so glad, you- you know, I, I could not rest for this day, seeing you like this, I- *touching his tail with her natural arm* I- I missed you so much, but I wonder, when will you recover, because we are worried about you, and the worst thing is that we don't know what happened to you, um-

* Rivet suddenly stops, because Ratchet's arm reaches her arm*

*ratchet tries to open his eyes, but he find it quite difficult, but he can  recognize the white furr*

Ratchet: R- Rivet? is- is that you?

Rivet: ohmygosh- Ratchyy! *hugging him for the joy*

Ratchet: ugh!

Rivet: are you all right?

Ratchet: yeah, i feel, a really strong headache, sorry!

Rivet: oh, I know what to do. * she puts her tail near to ratchet's body, and she hugs him stronger*  - don't worry, I won't talk, we can stay like this, if you prefer.

 * she puts her tail near to ratchet's body, and she hugs him stronger*  - don't worry, I won't talk, we can stay like this, if you prefer

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Ratchet: yeah *yawn*. . . Riv. . . thanks, you are. . . wonder* he stops talking and his arm falls to the ground*

Rivet: heh. . . he is sleeping, so cute.






- *whispering* Night, Ratchet, thanks to be my my side. 


Kit: so you are saying, that earlier you felt something for him?

Luna: mhm. . .

Kit: I understand.

Luna: wha- you do?

Kit: well, Rivet told me this.

Luna: wait, what?

Kit: she told me that she was feeling " something" for him, and that she didn't want to lose him because she is the-

Luna: the latest one, yeah, yeah. but let's be honest, I think she does not like him only because of that

Kit: yeah, in fact, almost every night, when we were in our dimension, she he told me about Ratchet, with great confidence. when she told me about it, she couldn't help but smile thinking of him. I remember that once she had a dream, about him, i think in fact, she kept saying her name and hugged the pillow tightly. 

Luna: ( so this is not happening only to me. . . i thought i was being weird)

- in this case, I want you to ask something.

Kit: ok? 

Luna: do you think that ratchet feel the same way towards Rivet, i don't know, maybe he confessed something to you like Rivet did??

Kit: Luna? by any chance, when you're talking about Rivetby chance when you are talking about Rivet andby chance when you are talking about Rivet and Ratchet, you are referring to yourself and Fer

Luna: um, I- n- no I mean. . . they are soo. . . intimate

Kit: mmh? *tilting her head*

Luna: *sigh* ok, yes, I am, how embarassing!!

Kit: now I understand. . . so you and Rivet feel the same way?. . .( interesting. . . I can use this information and work with Clank about this.)

*Clank: [Kit, what's wrong? come back, please, Ratchet is fine, now]

Luna: mhm.

Kit: Luna, Let's go back! Clank told me that Ratchet is ok now.

Luna: well ok, but, what if. . . Fer. . .

Kit: just come talk to me if anything happen, I think this is normal between Lombax.

Luna: N- normal?

 Kit, you see. . . all I know so far, is that, when reaching your age, something happens, inside of you, and you feel like this towards your sibilings. actually, Me and Clank are thinking that this. "something" inside of you, is even stronger because of you four being the latest of your important specie.  

Luna: this might be it. . . ok Kit, I trust you, and Clank, too. You convinced me. let's go back to the others.


Nefarious: so. . . what did you put inside Ratchet's body? 

Nefarious's Dad / The Dealer: well, well. do you remember what the doctors said about him?

Regi: that. . . they don't know themself what this is going to cause to him?

The Dealer: good.

Nefarious: but they told us that they had to do space in order to put that chip inside, right?

The Dealer: true. docs told me he will need a little bit more oxygen than normal.

Nefarious: more oxygen?

Regi: w- what are your plans?, my lord?

The Dealer: Regi, Nefarious, this is a game, and we are watching the best one ever created. at the end, everyone inside this "game" will be under my control.  HAHAH HAH!


#2. R&C: TOGETHER. A RIVETCH STORYKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat