3- Glassy Enclosures

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Once Peter had gotten to the tower, he dug around his backpack for his clearance card, humming a successful tune when his fingertips brushed the cool metal clip of the security pass. Sliding the white plastic over the sensor by an elevator, the black pad beeped three times but flashed red, beeping a negative tone.

"Hey kid, what are you doing?" A gruff voice asked from behind him, his spider sense warning him of a hand being placed on his shoulder. "You don't have clearance to go up there."

"Sir, uh, I have a security pass, it won't take long," he grinned, worry tying his stomach in a knot.

"Sorry, I can't let you through with an expired pass," the guard dropped his hand, crossing his arms in a menacing show of muscle.

"Expired pass? When did he change the passes?" Peter huffed. "That seems like something he would tell me..."

"It was put in place the moment he decided Loki would be staying in the tower," a female voice startled the two. "Hello Peter. You will have to go up to Mr. Starks office to get your new pass."

"Ah, thank you Friday."

The AI didn't respond after that, simply opening the elevator that went to—where Peter assumed— Loki was being kept, after all she could've made an educated guess based on Peters past endeavors and preferences, but it was all too obvious to the computer.

Peter weaves his way between the wall and the new guard, into the now open elevator. He didn't have to look behind him to see the security guy seething, he could almost taste the large man's anger— at Peter for his cockiness, at himself for his demeanor towards a child.

The doors slid shut on silent rails, a quiet ding alerting its occupant of the doors shutting. Peter grabbed his back pack and felt around for his phone, knowing he should have simply put it in his pocket instead.

No missed texts or calls... May would've had his neck if he missed a call, he knew that much about his aunt.

"Oh hey Peter," a man's voice wrangled peters mind back to reality, Mr. Stark, Peter realized after a moment. "I thought you would be here today, glad I was right."

"Oh heh yea, it seems so," he muttered. "Came to see Loki, just wanted to welcome the new transfer."

"Of course you did, so did the media, I'm surprised your phone isn't blowing up with news reports!" Tony exclaimed with a laugh. "I had to tell Friday to mute my notifications, couldn't focus."

"I don't follow the news that often, only going off of what May tells me is going on really," he stalked through the walkway of the dark room. "I've never been to this level before; is it new?"

"Hm? Oh no it's not new, you just haven't seen it in use before. It's our max security cell, Banner was in there at some point y'know," at this Mr, Stark motioned to the circular glass chamber in the middle of the room.

No visible entrances, curved glass making for a hard-to-break enclosure, one control panel at the end of the only walkway, this was max security. There looked to be sensors everywhere, one wrong step and the entire building was on lockdown.

"You guys... really have this place locked down eh?" Peter tried with a smile, turning to the man, who was digging through a pile of papers frantically before switching to the holo-panel again.

"Not really, it's mostly for show," Mr. Stark deadpanned, pausing whatever he was doing on the control panel.

Peter didn't know if he was joking.

Instead of dwelling on the off handed comment, he decided to look around. Dark grey metal framing was nearly everywhere in the room, direct lighting was nowhere to be seen but somehow the room itself wasn't dark. Pale blue accents appeared the longer Peter looked around, lights from the panels, the reflection of the cell, was that a streak on the wall-?

Peter was pulled from his thoughts by the elevator once again, he had somehow migrated towards the other side of the room, away from the working Tony—he had things under control—and into a blind spot the glass refracted from view of the newcomers. He squatted to look between the handrails for a better peek but was only met with misshaped blobs of color- green, black, pale skin and red.

"Do you really think that this can contain me?" A man's voice rang out through the spacious cell room, an accent reminiscent of Thors—was this-?

"Should I just put the muzzle back on you?" Natasha deadpanned, she sounded tired—Peter caught himself finding a sliver of delight at that. "Whatever, your already here so no need."

Peter stood back up, slightly embarrassed that his sneaking did nothing, and silently crept around the metal grates of the walk paths, determined to see the man for himself.

Loki glanced over his shoulder when he felt the presence of the boy, Peter noted that he looked like some villain out of the movie he had seen a long time ago. They locked eyes through the glass, and the older mans expression softened for the first time all day and he slowly turned, eyes still locked together for nearly a minute of sarcasm-free silence. Something felt different, as though a lost puzzle piece was found and clicked perfectly into place.

"Hey reindeer games, what's your issue with he kid? You've been staring at him for a good minute now," Mr. Stark barked, his arms crossed from across the glass.

Loki had a distant expression, as though he had finally seen something that he had been looking for for months on end. In a way, he had.

Peter gasped as flashes of green and blue raced across his vision, a fuzzy memory of silk the color of forest leaves, a sad dark haired person, a basket, then darkness. The same dream as earlier, but the details were as though they were hit with a live spark, enhanced. The colors were sharper, edges more distinct. Peter snorted as he realized he had a memory in 4K.

"High definition memory, heh," Peter held onto the handrail with a vice like grip, determined to stay upright after the foggy memory passed.

He could hear voices yelling, the dark haired man banging in the glass for his attention.

The ground seemed unsteady under Peters feet, the tower felt as though it were swaying in the wind. He didn't realize he had fallen until he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, his vision muddled with large black splotches, rendering him unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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