2- Emergency Rooms and Memories

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The young boy groaned as his alarm clock beeped loudly, a left arm swung hazardously over the covers and at the small clock. He smashed the beeping contraptions 'snooze' button with a clenched fist, and sat in the warm sheets for a moment, reorienting himself before he got up officially.

"Peter! Wake up buddy," a head poked into his doorway. "You have a big day today, don't wanna miss it."

"Ok Aunt May," Peter sighed as he flipped the covers off, revealing his hello kitty sweat pants and 'Cutie Pi' T-shirt. He sat up for a moment, taking in the sights around his room.

"Hey Peter think fast-" Peter barely had a warning before an apple was chucked at his head, hitting him square in the forehead, making him fall backwards into bed again.

"Oh shit!" May exclaimed, but it felt fuzzy, as though she were a hologram transmitting in an area with low power. Peter groaned as consciousness warped in and out, his forehead throbbing with a pulse of its own, his eyes fluttered shut for a moment but when they reopened, he didn't know what he was seeing;

Blue, red, and green flashes in his vision. Then shapes form, a blue and black mass, a green and gold blanket, tears and sobbing, then brown, and finally darkness and silence.

Peter gasped as he jolted awake again, flashes of white and safe green flooded his vision. Wires and beeping machines and people in white coats and-

Too bright- no- too much- stop yelling- beeping- too much- SHUT UP!

The silence that followed that thought was deafening. Peter had been gripping his knees, which had been pulled up to his chest in a futile attempt at comfort, his head was in a shield built by his knees, forehead resting on his kneecaps. He slowly released his knees, trembling the entire way, his finger tips and where May had hit him with the apple were throbbing and tingling, something wasn't right.

When he gathered the courage to look up, ice encased the medics and machines that he was hooked to, blue and white sparkling under the ceiling lights. Tears flooded his eyes, making the steaming ice look magical to him.

He took a fleeting glance at his hands, horrified when cerulean blue skin slowly bled back to normal.

"Peter?" A shaky voice asked, Aunt May had pulled the curtain on his temporary emergency room back.

"W-what... did I do this?" Peter asked, his voice was so small and quiet, he wasn't sure May even heard. "May?"

May ran to him and hugged him hard, tears staining his shirt but he wept as well, tears of shock and regret.

The scene went fuzzy again, darkening around the edges as though dipped in ink, fading as Peter opened his eyes with a sigh.

"Have a nice nap sleepyhead?" Aunt May asked from her perch on the love sofa, a newspaper propped up over her crossed legs.

"Hey May, mornin'"

"It's afternoon, you're lucky it's a Saturday."

"Whoops. Hey uh, I had a dream about 2012 again," Peter trailed off, the implication filling in the gaps for May to understand. "Uh, this time, when you knocked me out with the apple, I woke up and turned blue."

May stiffened for a moment, remembering how long it took to convince Peter that he was never blue and that he was just doped up from the medicine they gave him for his concussion. He had given the staff mild frostbite, and it took them hours to defrost the poor team of medics.

"And," he continued. "I saw some other stuff too. A man, wrapping me in a green blanket, then a basket, Aunt May does that mean anything to you?"

May sighed and shifted her newspaper before continuing, "Don't worry yourself, it's just stress from school and your big internship," she dismissed it, she had to. There was no way to explain that to him without sounding crazy. "The paper says that Loki of Asgard is being rehabilitated at Stark Tower-"

"Can I go? I wanna meet him!" He exclaimed excitedly, the dream already fading.

"No Peter, I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt by a dangerous criminal like him, remember what happened in Manhattan?"

"Yes I remember, but he is being rehabilitated, it's safer," he mumbled, turning away from his aunt. "I'm going out to Delmars, see you in a bit."

"Alright, be back before 7," May glanced over the newspaper and at her nephew.

Peter swung his legs over the side of the couch and lugged his body to his room to change. He grabbed a graphic T-shirt and red flannel, along with a pair of dark jeans, making a nice teenager-y outfit. Making sure May wasn't spying on him, as rare as it was, he slipped his Tower badge into the backpack he was preparing for his outing, as well as twenty bucks and his phone. Slipping back out of his cracked door, he said his farewell to May and started towards the tower, doing exactly what she said not to do.

Peter Lokison (different AU?)Where stories live. Discover now