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• third person •

"Klee." Albedo heaved out a sigh, his emerald eyes shutting as he pinched the bridge of his nose. His little sister came sprinting towards him, her platinum hair out rather than in her usual pig tails. "You know you shouldn't be here."

"But-" Klee leapt into his big brother's arms, taking in a large snot bubble as she did so, "I wanted to see big brother Albedo! Master Jean wouldn't let me!"

Albedo lifted her, pursing his lips upon realising she came here only in her flimsy dodoco pyjamas. "You know why, Klee." She pouted. "You have to rest. You're ill."

"Klee's not ill! I'm just–" An abrupt sneeze interrupted her argument. She whined quietly, her bright voice dimming down.

Albedo grabbed a tissue from the desk of his laboratory, taking her towards the fire. He wiped her nose gently. "Being here will only make you more ill. I told you that Miss Aila would help you to get better, didn't I? You are taking the medicine she gives you, aren't you?"

Klee folded her arms, a tinge of red on her nose. Albedo's head raised. Loud calls erupted near the lab.

"Oh no..." Klee mumbled despondently, hiding her face.

"Klee! I knew it; of course you'd be here! I found her!!"

"I'm sorry!!!" she cried suddenly. "Please don't put me in solitary confinement!! I didn't blow up anything, I swear!!!"

A certain brunette with a bunny-ear-like hair tie placed her hands on her hips, being followed by a much taller woman, her purplish-yellow eyes blinking blankly.

"C'mon Klee! Dragonspine will only make you more ill! Albedo said he was gonna visit you more often, didn't he? Master Jean's worried sick about you!!"

Klee sobbed into Albedo's shoulder. He averted his gaze, rubbing her back.

"I'll take her back, Amber. I apologise. She's not herself after she fell ill. I've had Aila working on it ever since."

The blue-haired woman beside Amber raised an eyebrow. Though, not a word left her mouth. She simply exhaled.

"Aww, poor Klee..." Amber's lips turned down in a frown. "Miss Aila will get you back to full health in no time! Don't worry Klee!!"

"Thanks, Amber," she mumbled. Albedo ruffled her hair.

"Well, now that we know she's safe with Albedo..." Amber turned towards Eula, who seemed to be looking off in thought, "how about we go for that ice bath you were talking about! We're in Dragonspine, after all!"

Eula glanced at the brunette, who was glimmering with a large beam. Her sharp eyes softened. "Ah... alright."

Amber and Eula soon left with quick goodbyes and thanks, leaving an increasingly-drowsy-feeling Klee with her big brother Albedo in silence.

"Let's get you back. Aila's probably searching for you right now. Make sure you don't leave like that again while you're ill, okay?"

Klee simply nodded lazily, her scarlet eyes falling droopy in Albedo's arms. It wasn't long until, eventually, sleep overtook her.

• • •

Rough yellow pages of a thick old book flicked rapidly through her fingers. Aila stood, tucking a blue lock of hair behind her ear.

Wooden bookshelves surrounded her, along with the gentle chatter of the library. Aila was not one to mind that it wasn't silent.

When Aila had arrived at the Knights' Headquarters, it appeared Klee had disappeared. Jean had informed her that outrider Amber was on the case, and that Eula was accompanying her.

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