He looked distinctly uncomfortable, "I apologize, I just – You know Sam?"

"The guy with the wings?" You asked.

"Yes, that's him."

"Yes, I know Sam."

Steve rubbed his hand over the back of his neck and muttered something about how he should have just said no and then he said, "He asked if he could get your number from me. I told him that I thought you were seeing someone and he asked if I would find out."

You grinned as you watched his cheeks dust with pink. Sometimes, Steve could be absolutely adorable, "I see. Well, no I'm not seeing that agent anymore, we broke up several months ago now."

"I see. So about Sam?"

"Tell him he's free to drop me a line sometime. I'm going to go get ready for the mission now, I'll see you later."

The mission was a success and you gathered the intel that Steve was hoping you would get. But there was a problem with the extraction and you both ended up stuck in a tiny one room cabin in the middle of the forested mountains of upper Italy. It was an old safehouse that Clint knew about from early in his time with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Clint set up a security perimeter while you entered the cabin with your bags. It was going to be at least a couple of days before you could be extracted safely. You were staring at the single bed with narrowed eyes.

"Alright, I have the gear set up. If anyone gets within two miles of the place we will know about it and should have enough time to get out if we need to." Clint said as he came into the cabin.

"There's only one bed." You said as you turned towards him.

"What?" He looked towards the bed and then said, "Oh. I could take the floor."

"Is there any kind of shower or something? I feel sticky and gross."

"There's a gravity shower out back." You nodded and grabbed your bag and headed around.

The water was cold and once you got used to the shock you found it refreshing. Feeling clean again, you pulled your clothes back on and squeezed as much water out of your hair as you could. When you entered the cabin you found Clint had put together a basic meal from emergency food supplies he had found as you fled.

"Hungry?" He asked as he held a tin plate out to you.

"I could eat. So what was this place?"

You sat on the ground with him, crossing your legs as you ate the food he gave you. He shrugged, "Nat and I used this place once. It used to be an old safehouse but was labeled as defunct and destroyed years ago. Which is why I think it was the best option–there is no way this location would have been dumped with the data that went out after Nat and Fury made the files public."

You nodded as you finished the food quickly. It was completely dark out now and the temperatures had dropped.

"Do you think we could risk a fire?" You asked as you stared into the empty grate.

Clint's mind had clearly been somewhere else because he jerked a little and said, "Huh?"

You rolled your eyes as you nudged him with your shoulder, "There is a fireplace. Do you think we could start a fire or is it too much of a risk?"

You saw as he considered for a moment before he shook his head, "I don't think we were followed, but better to be safe than sorry."

"Great." You grumbled as you stood moving over to the small sink and rinsing the plate off.

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