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After you agreed to what Nick Fury had offered you, you spent two months in intense training at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.; weapons training, hand-to-hand combat training, tactical training. You excelled at it all and your instructors were impressed. Finally, you were declared ready to start your new life.

The day you moved into the Avengers' Tower it was hot so you were wearing a short sundress. Your things had already been sent ahead so you were just carrying a small carry-on bag when you walked into the lobby of the tower. Admittedly, you were not only greatly impressed but also highly intimidated. You stopped at the security desk and gave them your name. You were told to take a seat and wait.

Too nervous to sit down, you instead wandered over to an interactive display and poked at it until you heard someone say your name behind you. Turning around, you watched as a woman approached you. She was pretty and dressed in all black. Once she reached you, you held your hand out.

She took it and shook it, "I'm Natasha Romanoff, I've been sent to collect you.

Clicking your tongue you said, "Well, that sounds a little ominous."

Natasha gave a half smile before she turned and led you over to an elevator. As the doors slid closed she said out loud, "Jarvis, security floor please."

"Of course, Ms. Romanoff." an accented disembodied voice responded.

It startled you and when you jerked your head up to the ceiling, Natasha said, "Jarvis is the residential AI. He helps run everything."

"Oh. Neat."

The doors opened and you stepped out following Natasha as she led you to a security analyst who took your photo, your hand print, your retinal scan, and even a swab of your DNA. After that, she led you to another person who sat down with you and went over a shit ton of legal documents. An hour later she was leading you back to the elevator.

"You ready to meet the team?" Natasha asked you when the car came to a stop.

"I guess," you said as you rubbed the palms of your hands on the skirt of your dress.

The two of you stepped out. Your eyes were first drawn to the entire wall of windows across the floor. It provided a stunning view of the skyline. There were three people around the place. They all looked over as the two of you walked across the room. Natasha introduced you to them quickly even though you already knew who they were.

Steve stood and walked over to you, offering his hand and shaking yours warmly as he greeted you, "We've heard good things about you."

"Too bad Fury didn't explain exactly why he was saddling us with you." Tony said as he moved over to a fully stocked bar.

"Tony." Steve admonished quietly. Tony ignored him and pointed at you, "Drink?"

"Um." You said.

Tony rolled his eyes and pulled down two glasses and poured amber liquid into both. He came over to you and handed you the glass. You took it automatically and sniffed at it. Some kind of whiskey you suspected by the smell. He moved away again and sat down on a couch, propping his feet on the coffee table as he continued to examine you.

"So, what exactly is your specialty or whatever that Fury thinks makes you necessary to join the team?" Tony said.

"Where's Clint?" Natasha asked the room in general before you had a chance to answer him.

"Right here Tasha." A voice said behind you. You both turned towards it and you took in the sight of the handsome man in front of you. His brown hair was messy and his blue eyes were bright as his eyes moved from Natasha to you.

"Hey, I'm Clint." He said as he held his hand out to you.

You took his hand and as you did a spark of energy run through you, he squeezed your hand gently before he let go. Mouth and throat suddenly dry, you swallowed thickly before you could get out, "Um. Hi. Nice to meet you."

"Can take her to her room, I have to go deal with something." Natasha said, looking at the four men in the room.

"I'll take you," Clint said immediately, "Your room is right across the hall from mine."

Natasha nodded at him and walked away. Clint led you to an elevator on the opposite side of the floor. As you entered it, you heard Tony call out, "Hey! You didn't tell us why Fury is making us take you on."

You didn't respond before the doors closed and Clint looked at you, "Sorry about Tony. He's a little miffed that Fury insisted you join since he didn't really give a reason why. Way I figure it, if he says that you will be useful then you will be."

The doors opened and he led you down the hallway until he nodded at a door, "This is you."

He reached out and twisted the doorknob, pushing the door open and standing back to let you enter. There was a king size canopy bed along one wall, floor to ceiling windows on the wall opposite the door, a desk, bookshelves, and a small sitting area. Two closed doors were across from the bed. Walking over to one of them you opened it to find a large closet, your bags and boxes that you had sent were stacked neatly in the middle on and around a fancy ottoman. The other door led to a bathroom that rivaled something you would find at an expensive five star luxury hotel.

Coming back out of the bathroom, you eyed the windows with your hands on your hips. Shaking your head you said, "You know these aren't really conducive to sleeping past dawn."

"Jarvis can control the tint on the windows," Clint said.

He was leaning against your door jam watching as you examined your room. "And how does that work?" You asked him.

"Just ask for it. Jarvis can do all sorts of things."

Looking up at the ceiling you said, "Um. Jarvis?"

"What can I do for you?" was the immediate response.

Shaking your head, feeling a little weird, you said, "Can you change the tint on the windows?"

Immediately the windows darkened and the room got dark. You nodded impressed as the AI said, "Would you like me to adjust the windows automatically? I can lighten the tint when you awaken, or have an alarm set to awaken. I can also darken the tint automatically when you go to bed."

"Oh. Uh, yeah, that sounds great." You respond.

"I have updated your preference in my system. Please let me know if you want to change it."

Your eyes dropped back to Clint and you saw him grinning as he asked, "Why did you ask the ceiling?"

You were a little embarrassed as you shrugged, "Well, you know – isn't that where he is?"

"Hm, more like he's just all over the place, but I guess I get it. So, what do you think of the room?"

"It's huge. Like seriously, pretty sure it's bigger than my whole apartment was back in Settle. Is there a key?"

"You mean, like to lock your room? Nah, it's all done with biometrics and controlled by Jarvis. He'll lock it when you want it locked and unlock it when you want it unlocked."

"And you said you're across the hall?" you asked him.

"Yep, you gonna unpack, get settled in?" Clint asked.

"Um. I don't know."

He laughed, and the sound was rich and warm and you immediately loved it. Nodding at you he said, "I get it. I imagine all of this is pretty overwhelming."

"You can definitely say that," you muttered in response as you looked around the room again.

"Look, you start training with us tomorrow so why don't you take tonight, get unpacked, get settled in. If you have any questions or just want to talk, I'm right across the hall." Clint said as he started to turn away.

"Hey Clint?" you called out to him.

He turned back to you, "Yeah?"


He shrugged, "It's no problem. Welcome to the team."

Clint walked across the hall and into his own room. You couldn't help but check out his ass as he did. You couldn't help it, you found him extremely attractive

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