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A few weeks after that, you started dating an agent who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. He didn't spark the kind of passion in you that a certain team member had, but he was kind and he was cute so you said yes when he asked you out. Dating him helped you shove down the hurt of rejection so deep you could pretend that it never existed in the first place.

You're control over your powers grew with each passing week as did your skills in hand-to-hand combat and weapons. You still weren't the same level of tactitian of the likes of Clint or Steve, but you were a valued member of the team.

It was nearly a year before you officially met Thor. You liked him immediately. He had this energy about him that reminded you greatly of a golden retriever. Whenever he was down on Earth you spent a lot of time laughing with him and introducing him to pop culture of Earth.

For two years you and Clint managed to keep your relationship strictly in the friend zone. Sure sometimes there was a quick flicker of desire that would sneak up on you but it was easily ignored. Sometimes, you thought you caught Clint looking at you with such intensity you thought you would melt from the heat of his gaze. But you valued his friendship more than you wanted something more with him so you had no problem respecting what he wanted.

And then the two of you were sent on a mission that changed all that.

"I'm sending you with Clint to Italy." Steve said as he handed you both a file. You automatically opened it to start flipping through the pages, a part of you amused like you always were that Steve still insisted on using paper files. It drove Tony crazy.

"What's in Italy?" I asked.

You and Clint listened as Steve explained that there was intel that a man named Strucker, a man who was suspected as being high up in what remained of the command of HYDRA.

"Wait, so we are going in to gather intel?" You asked wanting clarification.


"Like some kind of secret agent?"

"Yes." Steve repeated.

"But I've never been trained in counter intelligence and I don't speak Italian."

Clint patted your hand, "Don't worry I am and I can."

You looked at him in surprise, "You can speak Italian?"

" Sì, parlo italiano." Clint said.

Part of your brain found that ridiculously attractive and you had to shake your head to get the thought to disappear as you turned to Steve again, "Okay, fine, but aren't you concerned about the fact that neither of us are well–unknown anymore? Not since the whole mess with Project Insight."

"Not particularly. Clint is good at blending and you are going to be acting like tourists on vacation."

"We are?"

"Yes." Steve answered then he waited to see if you had any further questions before he continued. He laid out the full plan and you listened intently.

As Steve finished up, Clint lifted his finger, "How long is this expected to take?"

"A week? Maybe two?"

"Ah. Is there anything else you need to tell us? I have to go make a phone call."

Steve waved him away and Clint left the office. Steve focused on you as the door shut behind him, "Wait, I actually want to ask you something."

You sat back down, "What's up."

"Are you still seeing that former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?" Steve asked.

It was so unexpected that you assumed you misheard him, "I'm sorry?"

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