Part two

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Corrine walked into the woods as she did every night. This time she was more afraid than ever, she had gone out earlier than usual, her parents had gone to bed early so it was around 7 pm. She felt suspicion, almost as if someone was watching her or even following her. She hid behind a tree being cautious trying make a sounding to see if anyone was there. "Crack," she heard a twig snap. She decided it was safe to say she wasn't alone. The madness inside of her was growing stronger, she wanted to stab something anything. She was rocking herself back and fourth trying not to lose it.

"Who's there?!," a voice called out. Not a man's voice but a woman's voice. Why was there a woman in the woods woman never go out in the woods, matter of fact no one has been in these woods except Corrine.

"Who are you?" The girl said, grimly walking carefully from the tree.

"Oh honey! Are you lost?" The lady said surprised and sympathetically. Corrine shook her head no.

"Where do you live?" The woman asked.

"Leave me alone." Corrine whispered as she headed on down further into the woods. The woman followed her quietly trying to stay unnoticed. Corrine went to the creek where she always went when the madness came. The voices began to whisper to her,"Corrine... Corrine... I'm here to help you. I can make you better.... Come with me..."

"NO NO NO! GET AWAY LEAVE ME ALONE" Corrine screamed holding her ears as she prepared for the ringing noise. The noise and it grew very loud to an extent that Corrine couldn't handle. She collapsed to the ground, kicking and screaming," MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" She found the sharp rock that she always used and began to jab at her legs again. The madness and insanity had taken over.

The woman was watching horrified. She rushed over to Corrine, "What are you doing?! Stop that!" She tried to take the rock from her. Corrine was laughing out of control, the lady was completly freaked out. Corrine cut her legs too deep and passed out and hit the ground hard. The woman didn't have a clue what she was going on. She picked up the little girl and put her on her shoulder. She carried her up the hill where she lived. (the exact opposite direction of Corrine's house)

The woman's name was Lillian she is in her early twenties and recently moved in with her great aunt and her cousin. Lillian has thin brown wavy hair that is shoulder length, she usually has it pulled back with a head band. Lillian is average length and weight for her age. She is living with family to help her great aunt who is slowly dying due to cancer. She wants to help her cousin take care of her while she's at her job. Lillian is an author so she can do her job anywhere.

Lillian, still holding Corrine, reached her front door. She opened it, "Clara, I found a little lost child in the woods, she is severely injured and passed out. I don't know what to do with her."

A short woman with glasses and dark brown hair came in. She is in her mid twenties. She examines the girl as Lillian puts her on their couch. "Oh my..." She gasps looking at the deep cuts along Corrine's body, "I've never seen this child in my entire life... She's lost allot of blood. Our best bet is to get a cloth and clean it up and stop the bleeding."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2013 ⏰

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