Antonio's Drawing

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It was just a normal day in Casita and Antonio is in his hew room, drawing. He was having fun. He got a random paper he found on the table. He didn't really care on what paper was it, he just wanted to draw.  

Antonio: I think I should add a bit of that, and some color-

Antonio was using the new color pencils that someone gave him as a gift at his ceremony.

Antonio: And done! I'm going to show this to mama! She should be very proud. 

Antonio was walking through the hallways, making way to his mother's room, which is not that far away from his own room. He knocked on the door lightly, and someone from inside told him, 

???: Come in! 

Antonio opened the door slowly and saw his mother resting on her bed, reading a book, while his father is drinking coffee and relaxing. 

Felix: Tonito! Hello! What are you doing here?

Antonio: I wanted to show mama and you a drawing that I made in my room! It's very nice. I'm sure you both will like it.

Antonio jumped on his mother's bed and left Pepa's and Felix's attention. Antonio showed his drawing to Felix, and Felix was surprised, not noticing on what paper was he drawing on.

Felix: Wow! Tonito! This is amazing! Where did you learn how to draw like this? 

Antonio smiled because of the compliment Felix gave him. Felix passed it to his wife, Pepa, who put down her book slowly on her nightstand. 

Pepa held the paper, smiling at Antonio before looking at the paper. 

Pepa's face suddenly turned serious. She noticed the writings behind the paper. A cloud formed above her head. 

She saw notes of her family's name and planned to read them. But Antonio was very desperate to see his mother's reaction to his drawings. She tried to hide her cloud but failed. It started raining inside. 

Antonio: Mama, why are you forming a cloud? Is my drawing that bad? 

Antonio looked like he was starting to cry but what Pepa said about the drawing made him stop. She tried to make the rain disappear.  

Pepa: Oh Tonito, I didn't say I hated it, it's just that my youngest son has finally learned how to draw so well! 

Pepa lied. To her own son. 

She tried to put on a fake smile and ask Antonio to come to where she is right now, and Pepa gave him a tight hug and Antonio hugged her back. 

Felix felt very touched on what was happening but kind of ruined it.

Felix: Hey Tonito, that's not fair! Pepa gets a hug while I don't.

Antonio came to Felix and have him a hug. Felix was just joking but the hug felt great. But Pepa interrupted them by asking a question to Antonio. 

Pepa: Tonito, do you mind if I keep this drawing? Just for memory.

Antonio liked the idea and nodded his head with a smile. Pepa smiled back. Although Felix found it weird that Pepa wanted to keep Tonito's drawing but he ignored that. Felix remembered something.

Felix: Hey, Antonio, do you wanna play with the kids outside? I remember they were playing soccer and wanted me to ask you if you wanted to play. 

Antonio: Yes of course! Can I mama?

Pepa smiled. She could read the note behind the paper. 

Pepa: Of course, you can! Go on, socialize with them and make friends alright?

A Random Encanto story :)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum