mission success?

Începe de la început

Hanma on the other hand threw a punch at Draken but dodged with his hand. 

" Shut up and let Kisaki talk, fucker! " Hanma exclaimed. 

" Asshole! " Draken cursed. 

In front of Mikey and I was Kisaki who is nervous as hell. 

" Don't listen to these worthless fools, Mikey. " Kisaki said. " Aren't you going to make a new age for delinquents?! "

I began to spread a hand in front of Mikey as Kisaki was getting nearer. 

" Toman's gonna get bigger and become an organization that can bring anyone on their knees. If it gets bigger, i's sure to breed darkness, and I'll take on all that darkness. " Kisaki said " So that you can shine!

I hummed and sighed in annoyance. 

" You need me, Mikey. I am the shadow you cast we need each other. " Kisaki said. " So, reconsider this, Mikey! You can't achieve your dream on lip service alone!

" We're through, Kisaki. " Mikey said while turning around. " Your arbitrary decisions will screw up my dream.

" M-Mikeeeey! " Kisaki called out. 

" (N/n), let's go. " Mikey called out. 

" Ah! Right! Coming. " I said while turning around. 

I gave a quick glance at the depressed Kisaki before following Mikey. 

" Hey, Mikey. Wait up! " I said while running next to his side. 

" What do you want to do now? " Mikey asked.

" Eat food? I guess? " I answered while tilting my head. 

" Let's eat, then! " Mikey exclaimed while grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him.

" Oh, sure! " I said while laughing and following him. Mikey laughed with me until we got to our destination.

[ 🥞 ]

" Whaaat? What's goin' on?! " Takemichi asked while Chifuyu is covering his eyes. 

" It's fine, It's fine. Don't let go yet, Chifuyu. " Mikey said. 

" Roger that. You're really scaring me, guys! " Takemichi exclaimed. 

" You better be, you are gonna die. " I scared him. 

" (Y-Y/nnnn)! " Takemichi whined making me chuckle. 

" Just joking. " I said. 

" Over here, guys. " Draken said making me wave at him. 

" Okay. On zero, open your eyes. " Mikey said while Chifuyu removed his hand into Takemichi's eyes. 

" Three. Two. One. Zero!! " Mikey counted down and as he said, Takemichi opened his eyes in zero. 

" Ta-dah! " Mikey and I said while spreading our hand into the motorcycle. 

" Huh? A bike? " Takemichi asked. 

" Yeah. " Mikey answered. " The CB25OT. A.K.A the babu.

" Mikey said, it's like twins with his. " I pointed at Mikey. 

" Like twins? " Takemichi asked making me nod. 

" My bro found 'em in the Philippines a long time ago. The engine for this and the one for my babu. " Mikey explained. " Bro said they were lying in some ruins all sad and lonely.

" Wow... " Takemichi said. 

" He got the parts for it and used them to make my resurrected babu! " Mikey said while smiling. 

" So! Since the other engine was left behind...me and Kenchin have been gathering parts for it, little by little. " Mikey said. " And we finally finished it!

" Wow! Like...that's so inspiring. " Takemichi said. 

" Right? " Mikey asked. " It's yours now. "

Pretty hard for our first division captain to look good without a bike. " Draken said.

" But...giving a bike that important to me, of all people. " Takemichi said. 

" Ah, so you don't want it? I'll take it then. " I joked. 

" No! I want it...I mean thank you. " Takemichi thanked them making me smile. 

" Now that my work is done here, I'm going home now. I'm tired. " I waved while waking away.


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