Return Of The founder.

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Zalgos running through the forest heading to hell for his manor. As Zalgo runs while he limps through the forest. About 30 minutes later he makes it out the forest and to his manor. As he walk through the door limping his workers take hold of him right away. "S-sir are you ok!?" His staff help him up right away. "Just hurry up and heal me already" Zalgo says with his hand on the floor. The staff nurses help him right away. "Master Zalgo, would you mind telling us what happened?" They ask after healing him. "I jumped out of a electro glass window." Zalgo says for some reason still limping, to his room. "I wonder why he jumped put a window..." one of the staff ask "why is he still limping??" Another one asks. Meanwhile with Zalgo, He locks the door and leans against the door. "I don't understand..." zalgo says falling against the door to the floor. "I feel this piercing pain in my abdomen" Zalgo says ripping off his shirt. ("I just go healed so what the hell is this!") Zalgo thinks to himself with heavy grunts. Zalgos abdomen start to bleed red. ("Internal...bleeding?!") Zalgo thinks to himself. Just then a spike shoots through zalgos abdomen, impaling his in gruesome demise. ("My lungs, there pierced") zalgo thinks to himself trying to talk. ("I can't breathe, this hurts like hell") ("how did this happen, a spell??") Zalgo thinks to himself before spitting up blood. ("Passing...out") Zalgo thinks before passing out and slowly bleeding out. Minutes pass and zalgos heart goes into a state of panic his window opens letting wind explore the room.

"How many times have I told you not to underestimate people dear~?" A strange man standing in the window proclaims. The man has his hair covering his eyes and long sleeved tucked shirt with black pants. The man picks up zalgo and wraps a cloth around the hole. He proceeds to jump out the window and hop on the wind. The wind directs them to a mountain covered in snow.

The strange man enters a code onto the snow and a secret door opens. The man walks inside and proceeds to place zalgo on a healing bed. Zalgo for a couple of seconds opens his eyes and sees the shadow of the man. "Evil...?" Zalgo whispers before passing out once again. The man closes the door and walks away. "It seems he remembered who I am~" Evil says slowly walking away. "Time to teach a lesson to whomever did this~"Evil says jumping out the door.

434 words

The Underworld.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora