Y/N Beginning

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Y/N pov

so now I'm in gramps or people know as lord third office because of me defending Naruto and return the same action they did with Naruto and yes I know what happen with Minato, Rin and Obito but I've been having visions and dreams that Madara was alive then helped Obito to destroy Konoha because of my death I have also a gut feeling that I should not trust Danzo I soon snapped out of my thought

I then saw my past soulmates lord 1,2 and 4 yes I manage to talk, see and feel them staring at me while I'm looking at graps who is giving me lecture and to pay for that price I must do 50 missions he said it could last a month but I know I can finish it less than a week then I went to say goodbye to gramps then went to the uchiha compound and went to find Sasuke, Itachi and Shisui I went in there houe and knock soon Mikoto open the door and said " hi y/n I'm guessing your here for sasuke, Itachi and Shisui " y/n nodded at that " there in the training grounds " Mikoto said y/n then said " okay but I want to see Fagaku too " Mikoto nodded and lead her to Fugaku office she knock and heard a come in then y/n run into Fugaku with open a arms and hug him 

Fugaku returned the hug with a smile on his face  he then said " hi y/n what are you doing here " I answer " I'm here for Sasuke, Itachi and Shisui but before that I want to see you and give you a hug " Fugaku chuckle at my story then said " then you should go knowing them they don't stay in one place " I then said " okay bye Fugaku see you later " with that I went in to the training grouds and saw them I went to them saying " hi Sasuke, Itachi and Shisui " they all replied with a " hi y/n " Itachi then ask " what are you doing here " then I answer  " I'm bored so I came here to see what you guys are doing " they nodded and Shisui said " why don't we buy something to eat "  

we all nodded at the suggestion and went to the dango shop and while waiting for the dangos I said " I'm going to the forest is a hammock meet me there " they nodded I sat at the hammock I created in the forest and start singing because it makes me relax and happy so happy that my mask armor in my whole body slowly start cracking but not falling to parts and yes I can change my voice in to various girls and males voice

while I was singing I didn't notice that my voice was echoing in the forest almost hearing in the whole village and Sasuke, Itachi and Shisui where watching me with wide eyes and jaw dropped to the floor along with my all past soulmates not only the hokages 

In the hokages office 

where a meeting with all the jonins lord hokage and all the jonins look out side then the hokage activate his crystal ball to see y/n singing and her mask cracking and yes all the village people know she is wearing a mask armor the hokage and jonins where curious to know her look and to listen more to her voice

In the whole village 

everyone thought " such talented voices I wonder who they are " they didn't know y/n was the one singing and she is only one person

Back at the forest

the 3 uchiha boys came out of there hidding spot and clapped for y/n she was startled and blush thanking them Sasuke said " wow n/n I didn't know you could sing "

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