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Long ago there was Kaguya the Rabbit Goddess but there was also a clan named THE l/n clan many people did not know that it excise but some do one of them was Kaguya she knew them and fear them after that incident the l/n clan has a small population to be honest but there deadly the head of the clan was A man who had a wife a man with 5 sister a man who has a mother he was second to the youngest two of the mans sisters has decided to be a single ladies while the other three decided have husbands and childrens they were a normal family living in the hidden mountains with the knowledge in chakra and in Kaguya at first they thought Kaguya was good but when rumors spread that Kaguya is slowly becoming greedy and mean they decided not to let there existence be know then the head of the l/n clan wife is pregnant with a baby girl you see they have abilities and personality depending what year animal year there born like year of a monkey you will have what monkeys have such as senses, appearance and ability if you activate the l/n clan dojutsu

Time skip

It was time to give birth to the baby or the daughter of the l/n clan leader the wife is now in the room with her husband you can hear the screams echoing through the hall the head of the l/n clan named f/n was with his wife named m/n resting and the mother of f/n named g/n came in with a healthy and adorable baby girl not only is there baby a cute one but a powerful one because she is bornin the year of tiger which is rare in the family because no one in the family was born in the year of the tiger and the tigers are also the one that rabbits are afraid of

(m/n) the mother of the child hold her baby and said " her name will be y/n " then after that f/n and m/n smiled at y/n who was sleeping peace fully

Time skip to 6 months old y/n

It was morning and m/n just fed y/n and y/n wanted to see her father so she tug her mothers clothes and put up her hands signaling to carry her m/n did exactly that and said " my baby where do you want to go " y/n pointed at a specific direction and leading m/n to her fathers office m/n asked y/n " my baby do you want to see papa " y/n just giggle and smile as if she could understand m/n then m/n knock on the door and heard a faint  " come in " f/n look up from his desk and smiled when he saw his wife and daughter he then ask " what are you two doing here " then m/n replied " y/n wanted to see you " f/n nodded then took y/n from m/n arms into his own then said " hi y/n I heard you want to see papa is that true " and the next thing shock f/n and m/n was y/n saying " yes papa I want to see you because I want to show you and mama I can talk, understand what you guys are saying and want to read to learn about chakra"

m/n and f/n snap out of there shock and look at there daughter with wide eyes m/n then ask " my baby how and how long can you understand us " y/n said " ever since I was out your womb mama I can understand what you are saying " f/n ask his daughter " why do you want to learn chakra my princess" y/n then answer " so I can be strong and protect everyone I love papa " they then let her read a scroll about chakra

Time skip to 1 year old y/n

m/n and f/n called there daughter who was meditating because she already master everything that is needed to know in chakra and even surpass all of her relatives combined y/n went to her mother and father then ask "  yes mama and papa " m/n then said " y/n mom is pregnant "just as she said that y/n was jumping and cheering saying " she is going to be a big sister "

Time skip to b/n born

her brother is now here she look at him then cooed at his cuteness the parents were watching from afar smiling at them

Time skip again to another pregnant m/n with the third child

y/n is now 5 years old b/n is 4 years old y/n was teaching b/n how to use chakra when suddenly m/n and f/n told them that m/n was pregnant they where happy and cheering

Time skip when b/n 2 ( means brother number 2 ) is born

They both look at there parents wanting to see there baby brother b/n 2 they amaze at his cuteness and watch him silently

Time skip to y/n was 17

The three siblings now how to use chakra but y/n is more powerful to be honest m/n and f/n thinks it is time to tell them the secret power in there eyes m/n called her kids her and f/n now sat across them in a seat m/n said " my beloved children I think its time for you three to know the power that is in your eyes I will start first on the origin my side of the family is called the m/l/c ( m/n last name clan ) held a power like no other depending on what color is your eyes y/n mostly took my appearance and my eyes combine with her father perfectly meaning she has both the ability of my clan and your fathers about you two b/n 2 is a little lighter meaning he has 30% of my power then b/n has his father eyes completely meaning he has his fathers clan ability and can use my clans ability
but weaker because he doesn't have the color of my eyes"

" but now you know who can use my clans ability or who's not its time to tell you the origin of my clan your grandmother and grandfather are not married I had stepsisters and stepbrothers in both sides before me, your aunt and uncle the side of your grandmother has what people called dobutsu it is a dojutsu you can activate it at your will it has the ability to enhance not only your eye sight but your appearance, senses and ability"

" but it depends on what animal year you are born like y/n is the year of the tiger, b/n is year of a the rabbit and b/n 2 is year of the goat so that will be your appearance, senses and ability when you activate it now about me having stepbrothers and stepsisters your grandma and grandpa have what we call soulmates meaning you where meant to be but I didn't inherit it so I only have 1 soulmate that is your father and same goes with your father but y/n seems to have many soulmates but b/n and b/n 2 has 1 just like us "

" now that I have explain about my clan ability, dojutsu and soulmates it is time to train your abilities oh and y/n you have many soulmates but don't know where or when they are born so if you meet some of your soulmate this generation but haven't met the others yet that means when you die you are to be reborn again depending on what age is the rest of your soulmates don't worry about us y/n every time you die and reborn we reborn to so don't worry your not alone" after m/n said that the three kids were shock and amazed m/n then said " my dears we can also copy other dojutsu such as byakugan and sharingan but there is a chance you may not but I am sure y/n can that doesn't mean you are weak ok b/n and b/n 2 "

Time skip to already mastered the dobutsu y/n 18 years old   

m/n and f/n called all of the clans member meaning there relatives including the siblings of m/n but not her stepsisters or brothers " today we gather here to announce that they have master the dobutsu and the other clans dojutsu from my clan and the day y/n set to find her soulmates" right after m/n said that Kaguya appear and said " I am Kaguya and I am here to destroy your clan, take your chakra and abilities " but after she said that y/n punch her sending here far from the mountains they live in and and in to a field then y/n appeared waiting for Kaguya to stand and fight her Kaguya stood up with a furious expression and said " I am going to kill you with the rest of your clan! " then they both went to taijutsu battle

(Y/n is Neji she already master other clans dojutsu she is using byakugan she also invented eight trigrams 32/64/128 palms)

Kaguya is now blood and bruise she can't even stand while y/n didn't even break a sweat Kaguya growl and tried to stand up then said " I will get you next time! " then Kaguya disappear y/n went back to her family m/n asked " y/n are you all right " y/n answered " yes Im all right mom but I think I should get going I defeat her but she escape saying she will be back for me I will put a strong barrier around the compound only you guys can go in and out " y/n then cast the barrier not even Kaguya can break it

Time skip to leaving

every one watch as y/n disappear from there sight every one thought ' good luck y/n may you fond your soul mates '

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