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One month later

Jasmine's POV:Omg everyday feels like shit my morning sicknesses are getting worst but I told Cali that she going be having a baby sister or brother she was excited but every morning she just loves rubing my stomach she even talks to the baby I'm getting bigger everyday

End of POV

Cali:Good morning mommy...and baby brother*Kisses Jasmine's stomach*

Jasmine:How you if it's a girl or a boy?

Cali:I don't know but I want it to be a boy*Smiling*

Jasmine:*Walks to the bathroom and brushes her teeth*Omg my back hurts so bad

Roc:*Standing at the doorway*Morning*Smiles*

Jasmine:Hey*Gets done*

Roc:How my baby?*Rubbing her stomach*

Jasmine:Putting me in pain and I'm only one mouth


Jasmine:I gotta doctors appointment at 3

Roc:Alright it's only 10:30

Jasmine:Imma go lay back down*Goes back to the room*

Roc:*Goes in their room and lays next to her*You alright?

Jasmine:No my back is killing me and I feel like shit thanks a lot chres

Roc:*Smirks*I'm sorry bae*Puts his hand on her stomach*

Cali:Mommy can the baby hear me

Jasmine:No not yet we gotta wait tell I'm like three mouths

Cali:Oh*Puts her lil hands on her stomach and rubs it*How did the baby get in your tummy

Jasmine:*Looks at Roc*Ask daddy

Cali:Daddy how did the baby get in mommy tummy?

Roc:Um..I'll tell you later on in life

Cali:Aw no fair

Incoming call from Aaleeyah


Aaleeyah:Hey tell Roc to unlock the door I'm coming down the street

Jasmine:Okay but did you get the pickles and peanut butter?

Aaleeyah:Yeah but that's so nasty

Jasmine:Shut up and  just bring them

Aaleeyah:Alright bye

End of phone call

Jasmine:Chres can you unlock the door for Aaleeyah

Roc:Yeah*Goes downstairs and unlocks the door*

Aaleeyah:Hey hey*Walks in the house*

Roc:Why you so damn loud?

Aaleeyah:I'm not where ya baby mama at?

Roc:In the room*Goes upstairs to the room*

Aaleeyah:Hey prego*Rubing her stomach and hands her the bag*

Jasmine:Omg yes..bae can you open this*Hans him the pickle jar*

Roc:*Opens it*

Jasmine:Thanks*Dips the pickle in the peanut butter and eats it*

Cali:Ew mommy that's nasty

Jasmine:Girl this is good but it's your daddy's fault

Roc:Don't blame me

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