Somethings not right

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One month later

Jasmine's POV:Its been a month since Chres has came back around,he is stepping up to be a great father toward cali...he still picks her up too,me and Chres have been fucking each other but I'm not pregnant okay cause I'm on birth control thank god for that...I know something's not right because Cali told me that Chres has a girlfriend

End of POV

(Incoming call from Chres)


Chres:Wassup babe

Jasmine:Don't babe me cause while I have been giving it to got another bitch laying in yo bed

Chres:Bae I can explain

Jasmine:Please do cause I'm bout ready to kill you

Chres:Okay I do have a girlfriend and she is pregnant but Im not in love with her it was a mastake I didn't mean to get her pregnant... Jasmine I love you and I have been in love with you since I saw you

Jasmine:Chresanto what the fuck?!

Chres:You never call me that..jas I'm sorry

Jasmine:Whatever just bring Cali home because I don't want your girlfriend around my daughter

Chres:Alright Jas don't be like that

Jasmine:I'm not playing with you bring her hone now

Chres:Alright bye

(End of phone conversation)

Chres's POV:Idk why jasmine is acting like that she knows I love her...Desiree has been getting on my nerves with her emotional ass yes she is three months

End of POV

Desiree:Bae can you bring me some ice cream when you come back??

Chresanto:*Rolls his eyes*Yeah I'm bout to drop Cali off

Desiree:Yess..I mean okay

Chresanto:What was that??

Desiree: I said okay

Chresanto:Come on Cali,say bye


Chresanto:Why not??

Cali: Cause she a meany*Goes to the door*

Chresanto:I'll be back soon bae*Leaves*

Jasmine's house

Chres:*Opens the door*Wassup ma

Jasmine:Im not your "mama"

Chres:Come on jas I already told you that I'm sorry

Jasmine:Its to late for sorry,why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend and that she is pregnant??

Chres:Because when I saw you I remember how we used to be a power couple and everyone wanted our relationship,you do even know how I felt when I left

Jasmine: I don't even care when can't see each other anymore unless its about you picking up our daughter


Jasmine:Because I feel like your playing me and I want all of you,right now I just have half of you

Chres:You got all of me,I don't even fuck her anymore

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