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Next day in the evening

Chres:Bae you coming to my house with me cause I left my charger

Jasmine:Omg do I gotta go

Chres:No but I want you too

Jasmine:Whatever but when we leaving

Chres:Right now..get yo fat ass up

Jasmine:*Stands up*I know I got a fat ass

Chres:Sure do*Bits his lip*

Jasmine:Come on*Grabs his hand*

Chres:What you wanna do today??

Jasmine:I wanna go shopping today and go to the police station to see if they found her or anything

Chres:Alright I want you to know that I'm here for you if anything happens

Jasmine:I know...I have been praying that we will find her

Incoming call from Lira baby✨


Lira baby✨:Hey boo

Jasmine:What's going on??

Lira baby✨:Nothing just wanted to check up on you

Jasmine:Oh I'm okay

Lira baby✨:No your not I'm here for you girl if you need anything call me

Jasmine:I will I'm fine*Looks at chresanto*

Lira baby✨:Why you smiling??

Jasmine:I'm not

Lira baby✨:Yes you are and who is over there chres?!


Lira baby✨:Okay whatever just tell him I said hey

Jasmine:Your aggravating

Lira baby✨:Alright well take care make sure you call me okay

Jasmine:Okay thanks love you

Lira baby✨:Love you too

End of phone call

Chres:I called the tow truck..t g eyes said they will.be here in 15mins to fix our tires and to take your car to the shop


Chres:*Pecks her lips*No problem

Jasmine:I miss my lil bad baby

Chres house

Jasmine:*Pulls up at his house*

Chres:Wait right here*Gets put the car*

Jasmine:Alright*Gets on instagram*

20mins later

Jasmine's POV:What the hell is taking him so long like damn this nigga slow

End of POV

Jasmine:*Takes the car key out the ignition and goes in the house*CHRES

Chres:Huh*Yelling from upstairs*

Jasmine:What's taking you this long??

Chres:I couldn't find it...imma just buy me another one*Comes downstairs*

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