Chapter 1: Meeting the Class

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*This will be for when someone is thinking*

Kuro's signing - personalized 

Kuro's signing - general


"Kuro, are you sure you want to go to UA now?" my little sister Akari asked me.

"Yep, I'm sure. It's already the third day of school so if I don't join now, I'll be even further behind," I signed in response.

"Ok," she looked a little crestfallen, so I walked over to her and patted her head while putting on a big smile.

"I'll see you after school just like any other day. Ok Aki?" I told her, using her old nickname to help cheer her up.

"But you might get hurt bad and I won't be able to help you! And don't call me that I'm NOT 11 anymore!" she replied pouting a little.

"You're right, you're 13," I smirked. With a slightly more serious face I signed, "The only way I could get hurt, as things are, is if one of my classmates beats me up. So how about this? If I get hurt, I'll get you and we can both go beat that person up together. Sound like a plan?" I finished by holding out my hand for a fist bump.

"The poor suckers won't stand a chance!" she exclaimed, and we bumped fists. 

"Now that that's over how about we actually leave so we can get there on time?" Dad asked.

"Ok Dadzawa," I joked. I know what you're thinking. Yep, pro hero Erasurehead aka Shota Aizawa was my adopted father. I had been staying with him and his birth daughter Akari Aizawa since he saved my life about a year and a half ago. The two of them had made me feel welcome from the get-go and I never felt left out of anything.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that, it's Mr. Aizawa, sir, or Dad to you, not that stupid nickname! Now grab your cloths and bag, and let's go," he groused with a yawn. Grabbing his sleeping bag, he walked out the door and to the car not even waiting for my response.

"See you later Aki!" I signed as I ran backwards out the door, closely followed by a "I told you not to call me that!" from my sister.

Time Skip to outside the classroom

*Ok, this is where I become a hero,* I thought, as I waited for Mr. Aizawa to call me in.

"Everyone quiet down. Ok, we have a new student today so please treat him with respect," he said. This was followed by everyone whispering to each other about what type of person they thought I was, and a few comments about wishing I was a girl by someone I can only describe as a perv by their voice. I heard Aizawa's death glare followed by, "Come on in Kuro."

I walked in and faced them giving everyone a bow. "Hello everyone, my name is Kuro Tatsuki I hope we can get along," I signed, which got some confused looks from my new classmates.

"Why don't you talk?" a guy with a lightning bolt in his hair asked.

"Because he can't," Aizawa answered for me, "Go ahead and take a seat Kuro. I'll answer any questions about him for the next 3 minutes. Go."

Everyone immediately shot their hands up and he picked a girl with pink skin like an alien to go first. "What's with all those bandages?" she asked.

"I'm going to let him explain that one if he wishes to," Aizawa answered after looking at me for confirmation or denial, and I gave a slight shake of my head. *We're not even close to a yes yet.* "I never said I would give you the answer you're looking for Ashido," he said in response to the look she gave him. "Next is Midoriya."

"What's his quirk?" questioned an ordinary looking boy with green hair and eyes.

"I think you mean quirks Midoriya. And the-" he started to respond when he was interrupted by everyone saying:

"WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT?!?!?!?!?! HE HAS MORE THAN ONE?!??" Everyone erupted, loudly enough they blew back Mr. Aizawa's hair. *Color me impressed I had no idea they could get that loud,* I thought as he waited for the uproar to calm.

"Simply put," Aizawa continued, "Kuro has four quirks." The number shocked everyone so much they forgot to ask another question till near the end, but the girl across the room from me got one more in. "Yaoyorozu, and this is the last question I'm answering."

"Why is it he's only admitted now? And why didn't we see him at the entrance exam?" a girl with a spikey, black ponytail asked.

"That's two questions but I'll let it slide because the answer to both is the same," he stated. "Kuro wasn't graded the same as everyone else because . . . well I'm just going to play the video." he said and pulled up a hologram that had an image of me alone in the testing area. "Wake me up when it's over," Aizawa mumbled before climbing into a sleeping bag in the corner and immediately falling asleep.

After that the video started playing . . .


Whelp that's a rap. This chapter is a little shorter than I plan for most chapters to be, they will be longer in the future!

I know it's a cliffhanger but I'm still working out how I want to write his testing. I know how I want it to go but I'm just not sure how to put it into words yet.

Let me know what you guys think!

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