Chapter 10: The USJ part 2

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I looked at Mr. Aizawa and smirked under my mask. "Let's knock some heads." He smirked back at me and nodded. We looked back at the villains when we heard them talking.

"13 and Erasure Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here." When Mr. Aizawa heard that he realized that "The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?"

I activated my quirk vision so they couldn't surprise me, there were some pretty interesting ones too. I heard a different voice say, "Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too... All Might... The Symbol of Peace... I can't believe he's not here. I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" *Man, whoever said that needs to gurgle some saltwater jeez.*

Dad and I finished getting ready to fight as the ringleader finished saying that. I decided to stop them from getting closer to my classmates. I leapt down the stairs and charged myself to 15%, pulling out my cloths from my belt and wrapping them around my forearms as I did so. I heard some reactions from my classmates on my way down.

When I landed, I was standing in the middle of a group of villains. One of them looked at me and said, "Let's dance." *My thoughts exactly.* They rushed me, and I jumped over them, watching them crash into each other. Landing I swiftly turned and grabbed an oncoming metal pipe, crushing it in my hand. That's when I felt Erasure Head join me, erasing the quirks of people aiming at me with long ranged attacks. I nodded to him as thanks then we turned back to the fight.

With the class

"I understand Mr. Aizawa, but how is Tatsuki so good at beating the sh*t out of villains?" Jiro asked no one in particular. 13 looked at her, "Did they not fill you in on what he's been through?" Most of the class shook their heads. She sighed and explained a little, "Kuro has been through more than even we teachers know, but what we do know is something no one should have to experience. But I will admit that if he didn't go through it then he wouldn't be even a tenth as good a fighter as he is. The people who know his past are glad that he doesn't remember, but he is very fortunate that his body and subconscious do."

Iida raised his hand, "What do you mean by that?"

She sighed, "Have you heard the phrase: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Well Kuro has been through H*ll and back, twice. Then he got amnesia, so even though his conscious mind doesn't know what happened, his body cannot forget. Now let's get out of here while they hold off the villains." With that she turned around and motioned for everyone to leave the building.

Kuro pov

I knocked two villain's heads together and looked up to see the class following 13 outside. At least until big, black, and smokey decided to come out of nowhere and block their path. I moved to go help them but was blocked by more villains. *It's like dealing with a hydra: knock one out two more take their place.* Glancing at Erasure Head I saw he was in a similar predicament. With there being nothing else we could do, we continued fighting. When I looked back, I saw a large black dome covering most of my classmates. I felt my dragon side rile up alongside my anger, *not good, if this keeps up, I don't know how long I can keep it contained.*

"That kid is strong, but very annoying. Nomu, kill him," Crusty told the purple Hulk creature. I looked over at him to see what it would do, only to blink and it was in my face.

It lifted its arm up and swung down at me in a hammer fist move that I was only just able to block with my left arm. *Argh! Did just that one hit break my arm?!* I winced at the pain only to be back handed by its other arm. I was sent flying and m armor was broken in several places. I could feel myself losing consciousness, my vision quickly going black. The last thing I saw was that creature getting behind Erasure and going to hit him. Then I passed out.

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