Envy and Jealousy

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Ouyang Wu started to prepare for the auction after returning from the Anyang Palace.

Ye Chonghua really wanted to lock Ouyang Wu at home, she was not allowed to go anywhere, and she had to struggle with so many things with a big belly.

But as soon as he saw the confident look on her face, and when she talked about her business, he was reluctant to break her wings. His Wuer was different.

Ye Chonghua was afraid that she would be tired, so he would accompany her the whole time as long as she had time. In fact, he was really curious about Ouyang Wu's idea.

Ouyang Wu brought the two stewards of Liulifang and told them about the auction process and the previous preparations. The two stewards were also well-informed. Light, like a treasure, they had never heard of such an idea before. Princess Ning's method not only solved the problem of customer sources, but also ensured that the money would flow in.

They carefully asked a few questions they didn't understand, and Ouyang Wu also answered them one by one.

After the two left, Ouyang Wu stretched out tiredly. Recently, her body has become heavier and heavier, and she feels tired even after sitting for a while.

Ye Chonghua was listening in secret now, with an expression of admiration in his eyes. Seeing her exhausted face at the moment, he took her over and leaned against her in his arms. He put his strong palm on her back and gently replaced her. Knead it up.

Ye Chonghua's pressure was moderate, Ouyang Wu was lying in his arms, her eyes were half closed, and she sighed softly.

"Dangtang Princess Ning, I'm still afraid that I won't be able to starve, so why make myself so tired?" Ye Chonghua said angrily.

Ouyang Wu looked back at him and said with a smile: "You clearly feel sorry for the child in my stomach."

Ye Chonghua pursed his lips and frowned slightly: "What does the princess mean, this king doesn't feel sorry for you at all? "

Ouyang Wu deliberately said: "Yes, yes, it's always this way and that's no way. You never did this before. It's not that you feel bad for a child."

 Layers of anger, "You girl with no conscience."

Ouyang Wu pulled his hand over, with well-jointed fingers, slender and beautiful, she clasped his fingers tightly, leaning against him lazily, her red lips slightly raised .

Then he said slowly, "Thank you, you always let me do whatever I want."

Ye Chonghua held her in his arms, his eyes filled with a layer of inseparable doting.


Liulifang will hold an auction in three days.

The news of the auction of glass distribution rights spread quickly, and many people were curious about this new term.

Some people also understand that as long as the auction is successful, they can get the supply from Ouyang Wu and open their own Liulifang.

All of a sudden, merchants from all over the country rushed to it.

This event is simply unprecedented.

However, not every merchant can participate in the auction. Those who are interested must first submit a letter of intent to Ouyang Wu. After Ouyang Wu sends someone to pass the inspection, they will be screened and listed on the list.

Then send someone to send the tickets specially created for the auction to the stewards of the merchants.

The location of the auction was arranged at Shanhezhai, the largest restaurant in the capital. On the day of the auction, the entire restaurant was wrapped up by Ouyang Wu, surrounded by some guards transferred from Ningwang's mansion. It is arranged in five parts, namely Hebei, Huaidong, Lingnan, Guanzhong and Longxi.

Before entering the venue, the restaurant was surrounded by water, and merchants from all over the place surrounded the restaurant, plus some people who stopped and watched because of curiosity, it was very lively for a while.

In the eyes of the common people, the current Princess Ning is a magical existence. It seems that every time something related to her will always make a sensation in the capital.

"What is Princess Ning doing?"

"It's said to be auctioning the distribution rights of glass..."

"What does that mean?"

"Anyway, Princess Ning is famous and is going to make a lot of money!"

The eyes of the people showed pride again. With the look on her face, the princess' glass is going to be popular all over the country: "Princess Ning is really amazing."

"Yes, yes."

Ouyang Wu was sitting in the private room upstairs, sipping tea leisurely, this location is very good, she Inconvenient to show up, but can see the overall situation here, the host of the auction and the auctioneer are two stewards, and the notary is the king of Anyang.

When it was almost time, Ouyang Wu nodded to the people around him: "Let them come in." The footsteps faded away, and then the merchants waiting outside the restaurant filed in one after another, and the guards at the door looked at the tokens in their hands. , before letting them in, although it was lively but orderly.

After all the invited merchants entered and took their seats, the guards closed the door of the restaurant.

Without the noise just now, the hall suddenly became quiet, everyone's faces were puzzled, they looked at each other, their faces were dazed, and they didn't know what to do next.

Some servants acted neatly to bring tea and snacks to each table, and some curious people pulled the little servant to ask, but the little servant just said that he did not know.

Slowly, everyone calmed down, drinking tea on the table, and occasionally looking at the people beside them.

Ouyang Wu held the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said, "Let's get started."

A middle-aged man walked out on the raised platform. It was Manager Lin. He walked to the center of the platform and said, "Everyone, I am Ben. The host of this auction is also the steward of Liulifang, so you can call me steward Lin."

After a pause, he continued: "The notary of this auction is King Anyang, please invite King Anyang."

Everyone couldn't react. They had never seen this form before. When they saw King Anyang coming out from behind, they reacted and stood up and saluted.

King Anyang has lived for most of his life, and he has never seen such a battle. After nodding his head, he took his seat: "You don't need to be more polite." I just heard Steward Lin say: "The auction is about to start, please be prepared. "

After speaking, he stepped back to one side, and another man walked out from behind, which was another steward, steward Yang.

With a smile on his face, he walked to the hanging gong in Taichung, picked up the gong hammer, tapped it on the face of the gong, and made a "clang" sound.

Putting down the hammer, Manager Yang said loudly: "The auction has officially started. The following are the auction rules for this auction. Please listen carefully."

"The object of this auction is the glass distribution rights of Liulifang, divided into Hebei, Huai East, Lingnan, Guanzhong, and Longxi are five places. Merchants in each place can only shoot in their own regions and cannot cross borders. Twelve taels, the highest bidder wins, if no one bids after the last bidder bids three times in the countdown, the last bidder will win the distribution rights."

"Third, the bidder pays the money in one hand and signs the contract in the other hand. Bid for the distribution rights."

"Finally, all the merchants who win the distribution rights can only sell in the local area. If they cross the border, they will pay ten times the money from the cross-border sales to the merchants in the cross-border area."

"The above are the rules of this auction . the auction has officially started!"

Although the merchants sitting at the bottom didn't quite understand it, they already understood that today is talking about money, and the one with the highest price will get it, and this new experience made them excited for a while.

Guanshi Yang looked at the crowd and said loudly: "The first one is the distribution right in Hebei area. The reserve price is one hundred taels, and the bidding starts!"

"One hundred and fifty taels!" shouted.

"Okay, one hundred and fifty taels!" Manager Yang said loudly.

The rest of the merchants in Hebei were stunned, and some people didn't know why. After a while, someone hesitated: "Two hundred taels."

"Two hundred taels, are there any more?" Manager Yang asked loudly.

Now everyone understands how to bid, and for a while they are eager to try.

"Two hundred and fifty taels!"

"Three hundred and fifty taels!"


"One thousand taels!"

"Okay, one thousand taels, are there any more? One thousand taels once, one thousand taels twice, one thousand taels Three times, the deal!" Manager Yang picked up the gong and hammer a little excitedly, banged it, and the bid was successful.

"Please come to the backstage and pay for the contract. Don't worry, our contract has King Anyang's notary and seal."

King Anyang nodded as he sat in the seat to show his authority.

The merchants who won the distribution rights got up excitedly and walked into the backstage under the leadership of the little servant who came to lead them.

"Okay, now for the second one, the Huaidong regional distribution rights, the reserve price is one hundred taels, and the bidding begins!"

With the successful bidding of this first distribution rights, the atmosphere became more and more hot, and the bidding was heard one after another. Even King Anyang, who was sitting above, felt his blood boil.

Ouyang Wu sat in the private room and watched the whole process. Seeing the scene, she smiled with satisfaction.

SHe got up, stroked his sleeves, and was about to leave. Zhu Lu, who was interested, couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you watch the princess?"

Ouyang Wu smiled lightly: "Let's go back, it's a bit boring.

" The distribution rights were sold at 1,000 taels, 1,500 taels, 2,300 taels, 2,500 taels, and 1,800 taels, respectively. The merchants who won the bid were very excited, and the merchants who did not win the bid were downcast. I feel no regrets, seeing such a peculiar auction, it is worth it!

The auction of Liulifang was very hot in the whole capital for a while, and it was a hot topic for the common people after dinner.

The business of Liulifang is very popular in the capital. Since King Anyang joined Liulifang, he has paid attention to it. As long as he has time, he will go to Liulifang and look at this prosperous store. 

After all, it is the business of Prince Ning's mansion, even if some people are jealous, but Prince Ning's mansion is not something everyone can care about.

The affairs of Liulifang are so lively that even women who stay at home can know a thing or two.

As soon as this matter reached the ears of the Third Prince's Mansion. Liu Shi, she began to feel a little uneasy, and her eyes were red with jealousy.

Now that King Anyang has joined Liulifang, he will definitely make a lot of money. As the third brother of King Ning, the third prince naturally has a close relationship. How could such a good opportunity be missed?

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