Ain't nobody need you like I do

Start from the beginning

-but I have just told I'm too young

-there is always someone, you know?

-Not in my case

-No, I can see it, how old was him when you met him?

-you exhaustes me

-I know -she said with a smile in her face-

I looked down

-oh come on! Be honest, how do you like them? I like with dark brown hair but with fair eyes, you know like soft green, yeah I love that kind of colors

I whispered while i tried to hide a little smile

-ohh you like them too, don't you? Those eyes I mean, I understand they're great

-You know I liked you before you started talking that much

-When I was a stormtrooper they used to tell me that too -she laughed-

-I believe you

-thats easy, I never lie, but you haven't answered my question girl

She got up and took a glass with water while she looked back at me, afraid of I'd leave the room

-I think all the boys are pretty

She looked at me and spated the water that was inside her mouth

-Of course they are! Have ever have any pretty friend? But like, pretty

-I haven't have quite a lot of friends you know?

-tell me about them -she said as she looked at me interested-

-well, it was three years ago, when I lost him of view I mean, I met him in a festival on a planet of, -I made a pause- frogs?

-Continue please

-He had always treated me good, he listened to me, and also, he didn't have a family, he used to go with some men, strong men, like him, always with weapons, they were bounty hunters too, so we coincided in quite a lot of times haunting, you know, people like you, in exchange of money, Din didn't trust those men of course, how would he? But I trusted that boy, I loved that boy, he wasn't like the rest of the men, like the rest of the kids, he was different, just like me, I was young, too young, but I understood him when he talked about his worries, problems, fears, and I told him about mine, about my past, what made me doubt of him is that he never, ever, talked about his, that made me lose my temper many times, we argued lot of times, but they were just little discussions, then we were friends again, then, we didn't see each other for weeks, but we never forgot each other, he used nicknames with me, everybody do, truly, but his were my favorite, like, little monster, grey angel, sweetie, he said that her mother called him sweetie, that of what he remembered of her, she was very beautiful, "just like you" He said, that was one of my favorite things about him, that his nicknames to me made sense, I mean, for example, "grey angel" He called me like that because he had heard that angels had an wonderful beauty, "just like you", and well he added grey because of my past, he said that I was a lost human being who doesn't deserve being through it, I valued a lot when he talked about his mother, because he was the only thing that he told me about his past, I was sad when he told me that I deserve better because I never knew of what he was through and it made me think that maybe he only told me that because no one told him that, god, he was such a sweet boy.
So, that was how I met him

-wow, I wasn't talking about it, I was asking you about guys with pretty face but I see you only have eyes for that boy, what happened to him? , now I'm curious

-well, our paths just got separated, it's like everything I touched I lost it, since then I've never wanted to have any more friend, until you

-I see, yeah but how did you separated?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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