✦ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟙

Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah I get it just chill, damn why ya so in bad mood, if ya aren't a boy, Ill say your in your period, sheesh"

Being seated right next to the window is one of your favorites in riding a plan well the same as with a car. You just love watching the view from the outside while you fly high in the sky. Kyaaa!! You cant believe your really goin to japan right now, its so thrilling. You can Finally check all your plans in your bucket list.

Going to japan has been one of your dreams since you were just 6 year old. It all started when You watched your first ever anime series. 【First anime series you've watched 】 You cant seem to stop yourseft from watching.

Ever since that day, you just can no longer live a life without anime, it's just so boring. With all of Them being so serious to the point that they can really be a pain in the ass. Watching anime its like an escape for you. From this world from reality and just enjoy and forget everything, letting you be free.

And now Your goin to japan, You cant wait for this plan to land.
Better saved up your energy for later. Once you land, without a doubt you'll straight away leave your dad with all your luggage  with him to carry back to the hotel and go on an adventure see the world hehe.
Looking at your window for the last time before drifting to sleep to your very own world, your fantasy.




"SHAKE!!" " RATLE!! "

"Nnghhgg- Why is the plan so shaky, hmm- dad " rubbing your hand under your eyes looking around.

There was noise everywhere, people panicking and in fear? You look around and bend down  from your seat to get something from your bag when you see blood dripping down. That made you gasp your eyes open wide.

"B-blood!" There was blood. You look up again and see your dad. Looking right at back you.

Panic and fear was starting to build up inside you.

"Dad wh-what goin on?? Theres blood—" you were cut off from your words that didn't even give you a chance to finish what you have to say. You flinch from the sudden yell, a few sits in front of you.


"IF THEY WONT GIVE US THE MONEY WE WANT.... WILL BLOW OUT THIS ENTIRE PLAN!!!" He yelled and the people cried, especially the kids, there was people praying and shivering in fear.

"They're going to blow out the plane, are they dumb our just plain stupid??" You whispered... " if they really do it then they'll die with us, bancha idiots" You whispered again looking around with your eyes, even though You were also scared as hell.

Your dad noticing your sudden change of action, he already knows your up to no good, that will only get you in trouble if worse DEAD.

"Honey, dont even think about it, just sit down there, and be quiet dont let them notice you, you understood me" your dad whispered trying to hide you, but You tried to resist.

"How can I when they're doing that Dad, we can take them on, we just need a plan it "

"Don't be stupid, we are unarmed while they have guns and where in a freakin plane, flying between 31,000 and 38,000 feet in the air !!... one wrong moved and where all dead, do you hear me DEAD!!!"

"But Dad—" Being Ready to protest your dad but the guys in the front yelled again.

"STOP YOUR SQUARMING, AND BE QUIET!!! " he said, angrily, you tried your best to do it, you being kind and quiet l. but an old man in his 70s you guess tried to tell the guy, that he needs his medicine in the bag, but The Guy dint let it.

"please sir I really need it " The old man pleaded but the bastard guy,  just spit on his face, causing them  all laughed and it angered you greatly. Your hand closing tightening to fist.

You were ready to leapt and punch the guy dead, but your dad grab your arms squeezing it tightly, You whip from the  little pain. And earning a very deadly glare from your Dad "Dont you dare" He said lowly, and it scared you but you fight back and You were angry.

You weere about to snap back at him when, You heard a BANG!!! You look back and see the poor old man shot in the head, there screams and crys, looking at the old man, A tear left your eyes. You could have helped him. You could have saved him!.

'How can they do this, His just an old man wanting to get his medicine. There are monsters, that old men don't even have the strength to fight back he was defenseless, and means no harm yet they killed him, why?!, they have no heart!.'

You stand up but your Dad, Hold you even more tightly. it was before and now you see your arm is starting to get violet from the grip of his hand on your wrist. You stand to your feet, forcing your hand to be free from him. You stand tall and proud, the bandits or to say The bad men finally  noticed you immediately.

"Woah! woah! whoa!... look at yah hot mama, my goodness, just lookin at your body had me a boner" He lick his lips eyeing you from head to toe, openly showing that he was checking you out. And It was just so disgusting...

the stare he gives you just brings you goosebumps but instead of showing your disgust. You'd rather use this as an opportunity to come close using yourself as bait.
While walking towards them You can hear your Dad pleadingly whispering for you to come back.

"Do your perhaps need help? Maybe~" You playfully said, letting yourself be in character. touching his chest, goin up straight to his neck. While lining his chin with your index finger.

"Well arent I lucky " He grabbed your waist, Disgusting yes... but with that they start to let down their guard and its time for you to act.

" our very Luck indeed" You said with a low voice, your dad looks at your back with a worried face his hands coming to his hair messing and pulling it up. while the other passengers look at you worriedly, some thinking if You've gone mad.

"Let party, mister killer"


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