Every Heart Has A Secret pt.2

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Hello! When I posted this I wasn't planning on doing a second part, but due to requests here it is, the second part!

Dedicated to @LifeOfTheMusic for being the first to comment on my first story, and to @JennaBoo my awesome friend and first fan (fan sounds better than follower :P). Enjoy! <3


Johnathan's standing in front of me, giving me a look I don't understand, then he says "I know what we can do to him."

   The guy holding my jacket gives Johnathan a strange look."You're not with him?"

   Johnathan snorts, "You're kidding, right? Why would I be with this fag?"

   The guy gives Johnathan an approving grin, "Great, then you don't mind helping us out here do you?"

   "Of course not." Johnathan smirks.

   'What? But... I thought... Why's he doing this? He's turning against me? I knew this would happen, I knew I shouldn't have done this. I have to... What was that?' It looked like Johnny had given someone behind us a look, like some kind of signal, but I didn't dare to look. Johnathan steps closer to me, leans down close to my ear and whispers one word "Duck."

   I move on instinct, which is lucky because as soon as I get down, Johnathan throws a punch at the guy that was holding me. That one punch knocks the guy out, which isn't surprising seeing as Johnny's as beefy as a boxer. When the guy falls to the ground I expect there to be more of them coming at us, but there aren't. Confused, I look around and see four other guys knocked out cold on the ground. And, believe it or not, Anna's standing there with a thick wood branch in her hands.

   "How the hell..." I'm too shocked to be able to say more than that.

   "It's called the element of surprise, dear. They never saw it coming." she says with a big, wicked grin plastered on her face.

   "But-but you... and then... and he said... what?" I look at both of them and they finally seem to understand my confusion, because Johnny grabs my wrist and starts pulling while saying that we should get out of here before they wake up and give us more trouble. Anna agrees and we all start to head over to my house.

   When we get inside, Johnny pulls me over to the couch in the living room and I sit down, still confused but at least I'm not shocked anymore. Johnny takes a seat next to me and Anna sits down in front of me with her head on my lap.

   "What were you doing there Anna?" I didn't know what to say so I figured I'd start of with an easy question.

   "I followed you there. Do you really think I would miss you coming out and confessing to Johnny?" Oh shit. I haven't confessed to Johnny yet. I was planning to, but I never got the chance!

   I give Anna a panicked look, but she just gives me a smile. That bitch did it on purpose!

   Anna stands up still smiling, "Well I'm beat, I'm going to head home now. Se ya'll tomorrow!" With that she gives me a wink, turns around and leaves.

   'If I get my hands on that manipulative, conniving'

   "Adrian?" Johnny interrupts my thoughts and I snap my head in his direction, but I can't keep eye contact so I look down at my hands.

   "Adrian, what did Anna mean by saying that you were going to confess to me?" Damn, I had hoped that he might not have heard that bit, but luck doesn't seem to be on my side today. I give him a quick glance but his face doesn't show what he's thinking.

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