Every Heart Has A Secret (boyxboy Short Story)

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Hello! This is my first story so I would love if you could give me some feedback, like if you spot a mistake or if you think something can be improved. I would really love if you could write me a comment with what you think and maybe vote if you liked it. Enjoy! <3


The air burns in my lungs. My legs are straining. But they're just getting closer and closer. I can hear the sound of their steps behind me, almost feel them breathing down my neck, but I don't dare to turn around. I know that they'll soon catch up to me, but my body can't take it anymore. Just as I give up, stop running and await the inevitable, I wake up.

I lie in my bed in a cold sweat, woken up by my alarm. I turn it off but can't make myself to get up yet. The feeling of my recurring nightmare is still there. It keeps reminding me of what could happen if someone found out about my secret. But I can't let fear get in my way. I remind myself that no one knows and no one will know either. With that thought in mind, I get up and start preparing for a new day in school.

I open the door and hurry to get inside school, thankful for the shelter against the Swedish October cold.
   "Adrian!" I look up just in time to see a fit guy with ruffled, brown hair and a broad smile run towards me. 'He looks really cute when he smiles and his dimples show' is the one thing that runs through my mind before he smashes into me and gives me a hug that makes me lose my breath.
   "Johnny, it's like eight o'clock in the morning, how can you manage?" I ask him when he finally releases me.
   "Is that really how you greet your childhood friend? Besides, it's Friday, be happy!" Johnathan says trying to pinch my cheeks. I swat his hand away before answering him with an irritated "Yeah, yeah, good to see you too."
   Even if I pretend to be irritated with Johnathan, he knows that I'm not serious. He and I have known each other for years and been friend for just as long. But it was when the summer holidays ended that the problems began. Things happened and I'm afraid of what will happen if they find out about my secret. I don't want my friends, especially not Johnathan, to know about it and hate and be disgusted by me. That's why I'm standing here now, trying to pretend that everything is normal.
   I walk in to class and see that everybody's already sitting there. I greet some of them and take the only vacant seat next to a short girl with long, black hair and dark eyes.
   "Hi Adrian!" she says happily. She looks like she's just seen Santa.
   "Not you too Anna. Why is everyone so happy and cheery today? It's too early and cold for that." I whine and pull my jacket closer around me.
   "Find a cute guy to keep you warm then." she says and rolls her eyes. It takes a while for me to get what she's saying.
   "Wh-what? What do you mean?" How can she know? I haven't told anyone! She gives me a look that says: 'Isn't it pretty obvious?', and is about to answer me, when the teacher comes in and starts the lesson. For the rest of the hour I sit there, scared of what will happen.
   When class is over Anna disappears before I get the chance to ask her what she meant with her comment and I don't see her for the rest of the day.
   I take the bus home and remember that I'm alone when I walk inside. Mom and dad are out of town and won't be back for another three days. I walk upstairs to my room and lie down on my soft, comfy bed. I stare at my ceiling completely exhausted because of worrying about what Anna knows and if she'll tell anyone. 'How can she know?' I ask myself again. I have definitely not told her, or anyone else for that matter. I'm scared of what people will think, what if everybody stops talking to me, or even worse, what if they gang up on me. I don't know what I would do then.
   I take out my phone when I feel it vibrate and see that I've got a text from Anna.
   Anna: Meet me in the park!
   Me: Why?
   Anna: Just do it! I need to talk to you.
   At first I was just going to ignore it, but then I recall what she said earlier today. So I get up, put my jacket on and half run to the park.

Every Heart Has A Secret (boyxboy Short Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant